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DBZ : Final Era (Rated Pg-16 for Intense Violence, Blood, and Language)


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Long before King Vegeta ruled the saiyan world, there was a saiyan whose power made any saiyan, even the all powerful Gogeta question their strength. His power was that of a god. His name was Valios. Valios was the most powerful saiyan to ever be born having a ki power of 70,000 at the age of 2. When Valios turned 18, he was the most feared being in the galaxy and he took a self proclaimed title as Lord of the Saiyans. He caused nothing but Chaos in the world and was despised by everyone. One day Valios went to Shenron and wanted to absorb all of his power to make an even more powerful being. Shenron and Valios fought for 60 days, until Shenron finally managed to seal Valios's soul inside the planet Rikaon. Now it's been nearly 60,000 years since then and a bandit known as Dialo has unsealed Valios's enraged soul and destroyed Rikaon. Now Shenron has called upon 8 saiyans to stop Valios. They must hurry, before the universe is no more.



Application Form:


Age: (above 16)


Ki power: (start off below 120,000. It will rise during the roleplay)




(You can make up your own attacks but you must give a detailed description about it)



Name: Valios

Age: over 60,000 yrs old (looks 18 though)

Gender: M

Ki power: 850,000,000,000.164




I need someone who is good at playing an evil person, dosent godmod, and who has expierience in Rping. PM me if you want the part.

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Name: Asher

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ki power: 90,000 (at speed mode: 100,000)

Apperance: anime-boy--large-msg-119479397947.jpg

Bio: A crafty fighter that uses his speed to his advantage. He has created a number of moves to either confuse his opponent, or knock out his enemy quickly. He also seems to have a high IQ, but doesn't show it.

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