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[DMU] Look Ma! No hands!

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Card choices explained on request :D


23 (too many)


Chaos Sorcerer

Destiny Hero - Dasher x3

Fiend Roar Deity Raven x3

Honest x2

Infernity Archfiend x3

Infernity Beast x3

Infernity Necromancer x3

Thunder King Rai-Oh x3

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord x3


Spells: 11


Aid to the Doomed x3

Back to Square One x3

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex x3

Monster Reborn


Traps: 6


Dark Bribe x3

Divine Wrath x3

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-1 Divine Wrath Why's this exactly?

-3 Diety Raven Uh' date=' considering it's CS fodder, my only tuner, AND it can get rid of my entire hand at a moment's notice, no[/b']

-1 Van Dalg Possibly

-1 Archfiend Also Possibly

+3 Full Salvo Doubt it

+2 Golld of Dark World If I end up ngging Vandy and Archfiend...



So far. It's ok, needs a bit more work, like variety in spells, too many 3x... I know, I'm working on fixing that up, any ideas?

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Destroyer. NAO. I wasn't sure about Destroyer' date=' but possibly[/b']

Archfiend. NAO I have three...

1x Guardian NAO (it becomes indestructable :)) What to neg?


where are the dark-worlds? I wasn't actually thinking Dark Worlds, since most of my deck discards as a cost, they wouldn't work all that brilliantly

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Archfiend is ridiculously situational' date=' unless combined with Plague and Raven.


-3 Archfiend

+3 Solemn (or other Counter Trap or your choice)



Sounds reasonable, but then ofcourse I'd have 9 traps, which is a bit much really I'm gonna think on that one

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