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Random Pile of WIN

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monsters : 20

1 gorz the emissary of darkness

1 chaos sorcerer

1 cyber dragon (currently testing this)

3 thunder king rai-oh

2 doomcalibur knight

2 d.d. assailant

1 breaker the magical warrior

1 d.d. warrior lady

2 blackwing - gale the whirlwind

3 dark scorpion meanae the thorn

1 sangan

1 neo spacian grand mole

1 spirit reaper


spells : 09

2 gold sarcophagus

1 reinforcement of the army

1 smashing ground

1 lightning vortex

1 monster reborn

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 giant trunade


traps : 12

3 solemn judgment

3 royal oppression

3 dimensional prison

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 crush card virus


extra deck : 15

1 mist wurm

1 red dragon archfiend

1 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

2 stardust dragon

1 dark strike fighter

1 blackwing armor master

1 black rose dragon

1 arcanite magician

1 goyo guardian

1 brionac, dragon of the ice boundary

2 ally of justica catastor


It's sorta aggro anti meta stuff. I made it OCG for the better extra deck and easier to obtain power cards. It could be TCG. Everything is good when oppression is out but without it things can get out of control against cat synchro. I also hate black whirlwind with a passion.

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Finally' date=' somebody who shares my love of running triple D.D. Assailant <3


Meanae seems kinda lolwut, especially without Burden, Shrink etc (granted you run Gale, but still). I'd take them out for TKs.



Yeah I thought about running thunderkings here but if I cut the meanae I won't have much left for CCV. There's no shrink here but it's because I cut them for prisons. I prefer the direct attack I get after removing. I could cut some other stuff (like 1 doom, 1 dda and 1 gale) to get them in and would probably try to fit a chaos sorcerer with them. I'll test it since it deals with black whirlwind.

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Is this some sort of really ridiculous anti-meta?


How about a DAD?


Chaos Sorcerer should be in there anyway; it's too good not to abuse.


This deck is actually the remains of what was good in japan back in 2006 (except with more gorz, gold sarc and triple airman). I also added the royal oppression who were originally 1 trap dustshoot and 2 mind crush moved to the side deck. I don't like DAD here because I have nothing to get rid of it if I draw it late game and I don't know what to cut for allures here. Not to mention they won't have many targets


I could cut fissure for him since he can do a better job than this. I'll also add a cyber dragon and test if he works.

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