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Both are equally good. Useful in a deck where you are planning on winning through card advantage' date=' like oppresion. However it should not be limited.



I think it should, free monster kills should always be limited


It is one-for-one with a reasonable condition. It deserves to be at 3. If the conditions were unreasonable or the effect was too powerful then I wouldnt like a free monster kill at 3. Take Raigeki for example. Totally unreasonable effect. Or even Lightning Vortex. Lightning Vortex would be banworthy if there was no discard cost.


I agree on vortex, but even with fissure, chances are you're killing something good even with lolatk, take lumina for example, it has lolatk, but its still a very good monster.


So you use one card to kill one card (that you don't choose).


So what?


it offers field advantage in such a simple form, you dont really have to work for it.


So? You don't have to work to normal summon mammoth graveyard, and that gives you a +1 on the field. This is feeble logic.


You have a good monster on the field that you worked to get out, I dont have squat, I draw fissure/smashing, advantage goes to me and I still have 2 more in my deck...I don't like that.


I have beaver warrior on the field. You summon Ryu-Kishin Powered and kill my Beaver Warrior. Advantage goes to you, and you still have two left in the deck. Semi-Limit Ryu-Kishin Powered.


No I gave up my normal summon for the turn to play a 1600 normal monster, with fissure what did I give up other than the card itself? Nothing.


I'm glad you have finally grasped the concept that this card is a one-for-one: You give up a card to destroy a monster.


Let's say I summon beaver warrior. You trap hole. You used one card to destroy a monster I worked to get out.


Ban Trap Hole.


I always knew it was a one for one, but with trap hole I still need to set the card, wait a turn, wait for you to summon a monster, then activate it. Fissure I just draw and play.


And this somehow makes it semi-limit worthy?

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Both are equally good. Useful in a deck where you are planning on winning through card advantage' date=' like oppresion. However it should not be limited.



I think it should, free monster kills should always be limited


It is one-for-one with a reasonable condition. It deserves to be at 3. If the conditions were unreasonable or the effect was too powerful then I wouldnt like a free monster kill at 3. Take Raigeki for example. Totally unreasonable effect. Or even Lightning Vortex. Lightning Vortex would be banworthy if there was no discard cost.


I agree on vortex, but even with fissure, chances are you're killing something good even with lolatk, take lumina for example, it has lolatk, but its still a very good monster.


So you use one card to kill one card (that you don't choose).


So what?


it offers field advantage in such a simple form, you dont really have to work for it.


So? You don't have to work to normal summon mammoth graveyard, and that gives you a +1 on the field. This is feeble logic.


You have a good monster on the field that you worked to get out, I dont have squat, I draw fissure/smashing, advantage goes to me and I still have 2 more in my deck...I don't like that.


I have beaver warrior on the field. You summon Ryu-Kishin Powered and kill my Beaver Warrior. Advantage goes to you, and you still have two left in the deck. Semi-Limit Ryu-Kishin Powered.


No I gave up my normal summon for the turn to play a 1600 normal monster, with fissure what did I give up other than the card itself? Nothing.


I'm glad you have finally grasped the concept that this card is a one-for-one: You give up a card to destroy a monster.


Let's say I summon beaver warrior. You trap hole. You used one card to destroy a monster I worked to get out.


Ban Trap Hole.


I always knew it was a one for one, but with trap hole I still need to set the card, wait a turn, wait for you to summon a monster, then activate it. Fissure I just draw and play.


And this somehow makes it semi-limit worthy?


IMO, yes. There are no real requriements to play this card, you just nuke the lowest atk. With cards like trap hole and such and even vortex you still need to meet certain requriements to play them.

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Why two? Why is it a horrible menace at three but perfectly balanced at two? Does having three somehow give it a new effect that's banworthy' date=' whereas at two that effect cannot be used? Or are you just arbitrarily tossing out numbers that "feel right"?



Only Reason I said two was because of this format with blackwings and lightsworn swarming like crazy, I'm quite happy with it at one. But I dont like how some decks can get an insane amount of field advantage based on monster's ability to sp summon themselves

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So you honestly have no reasons for your numbers.


Why is it unacceptable at three' date=' but fine at one? The effect is the same either way, either it's banworthy or it's not.



So why is monster reborn is ok at one but unacceptable at 3 is it not because its effect is to good? Why is allure and destiny draw ok at 2 but bad at 3 is it not for the same reason? And I gave my reasons, its due to the format and decks such as lightsworn and blackwings.

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So why is monster reborn is ok at one but unacceptable at 3


Monster Reborn is not OK at 1. It is not OK at any number other than 0. It is skilless cost-free generic revival.


Why is allure and destiny draw ok at 2 but bad at 3 is it not for the same reason?


Allure and D-Draw are both perfectly fine at 3. Konami just sucks at making ban lists.


Using the current format as reasoning to determine a card's banworthiness or Limitworthiness is not an accurate way to determine a card's banworthiness or Limitworthiness.


All cards by default are 3 or 0 cards. However, if a card is harmful to the game at 3 but in no way harmful to the game at 1 it can be Limited. Cards like Mirror Force. Mirror Force at 3 would murder heavy attacking Decks. At 0, reckless overextension goes unpunished. At 1, Mirror Force punishes reckless overextension and still gives some hope for heavy attacking decks. Same goes for Stratos. At 3 it is a super gadget. At 1, it cannot be that. A card that is harmful at 3 but perfectly harmless at 2 is Semi-Limit worthy. Not many cards fall into that category if any at all. At most, Semi-Limits are argueable. Destiny Hero - Malicious is 1 example. Some cards are only harmful to the game if another card is not banned or dealt with. Take the Dark Strike Fighter OTK. Dark Strike Fighter, Summon Priest, Rescue Cat and X-Saber Airbellum. Ban 1 card in the combo and it is no longer an issue if it is an issue at all. Airbellum is the card to ban. A Level 3 Beast-Type Tuner doesnt contribute to the game as much as Summon Priest, Rescue Cat or Dark Strike Fighter does.


Fissure is just 1-for-1 removal. If Fissure were to be Limited then by that logic all other 1-for-1 removal should be Limited. Smashing Ground, Exiled Force, Trap Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole, the list goes on.


A piece of advice. Do not base your arguments on a cards proper ban list placement using the current ban list or format because there are still a lot of banworthy cards running around that are only overshadowed by the obvious and biggest problems with the current ban list.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I once saw getting someone disqualified because he ran 2 Fissures =O

Fissure is OK at one' date=' stop complaining.



Sure, it isn't causing the eminent destruction of the universe or anything by being at 1, but that doesn't mean it's where it should be.


What happens if you draw into Fissure when your opponent doesn't control any face-up monsters? Or you don't have any cards to follow through on the kill? Are you saying that Soul Taker is Limit-worthy?

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if you draw it and there is no face up monster, then dont play it. all one for one kills are not ban or limit worthy, as i explained befor in the case of trap hole and bottom less, you still need to set and wait for the conditions to be met, set, wait for your opp to summon, then activate and its not even chainable. exlie unless he was special summon you are giving up your normal summon for that turn, so in fact you are giving up two things to play him, the card and your summon. soul take im iffy about, its not a very fair card imo, i kill your face up monster and give you 1000 in return, 1000 is nothing to write home about.

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