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Heyall. here's my monarch/synchro deck. if you could show me any improvements or put in cards under $5 that would be good thx.



Total: 40


Monsters: 20


Tribute Monsters: 8

x2 Raiza the Storm Monarch

x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

x1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

x1 Cyber Dragon

x1 Gorz


Non-Tribute Mons: 12

x1 Treeborn Frog

x1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (opponent won’t wanna attack it)

x3 Krebons

x2 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

x1 Marshmallon

x1 Spirit Reaper

x1 D.D. Warrior Lady (opponent won’t wanna attack it)

x1 Shiba-Warrior Taro

x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 12

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Heavy Strom

x1 Brain Control

x3 Soul Exchange (this deck can hold its own without 1 Battle Phase, and if you tribute it for Stardust, it would be fine)

x1 Emergency Teleport

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 Enemy Controller

x1 Swords of Revealing Light

x1 Messenger of Peace (work your way up to get tributes)


Traps: 8

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrential

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole (owns glad decks + dad decks)

x2 Solemn Judgment (atm I only have 1)

x1 Dust Tornado

x1 Dark Bribe (don't have 1. Trying to get it :P)



Extra Deck: 15

x3 Stardust Dragon

x1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x1 Goyo Guardian

x1 Magical Android

x3 Collosal Fighter

x1 Black Rose Dragon

x2 Phychic Lifetrancer

x1 Iron Chain Dragon

x1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

x1 Red Dragon Archfiend



Thats it. Plz comment and rate =D Also tell me what I could switch for what cards. Also I know my Extra Deck is pretty outdated but I haven't got many cards after Crossroads of Chaos because I can't be bothered searching up what there is :P


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