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D.D. Deck

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Need some advice on my deck. I have a few things though that I need to specify.

#1 Don't burn me too bad. If you have no constructive criticism then I have nothing to hear you say.

#2 I try and avoid cards w/ over 4 stars. I will hear suggections but I don't like the monarchs. In my personal opinion they are just bad.

#3 I have not purchased new packs in a while so I am running on older cards. Bear with me. This deck seems to work for me and it works fairly well, however I see the need for improvement and I already know a few cards I want to move around. Any advice would be wonderful!




Gren Maju Da Eiza x3

Wall of Illusion x3

Man-Eater Bug x1

Krebons x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Mystic Swordsman lv2 x1

Gandora the Dragon of Destruction x1

Mystical Beast Cerberus x1

D.D. Survivor x1

Penguin Soldier x1

Giant Soldier of Stone x1

Stone Statue of the Aztecs x1

Breaker the Magical Warrior x1

Sangan x1

D.D. Warrior Lady x1

Chaos Sorcerer x1

Jutte Fighter x1




Nobleman of Crossout x2

Soul Absorption x2

Axe of Despair x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Soul Release x1

Level Limit- Area B x1

Dimensinal Fissure x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Monster Reborn x1

Mage Power x1




Graverobber's Retribution x3

Shadow Spell x1

Raigeki Break x1

Ordeal of a Traveler x1

Waboku x1

Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Trap Hole x1

Draining Shiled x1

Divine Wrath x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Magic Jammer x1

Macro Cosmos x1




Stardust Dragon

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Lmao wheres Arm?


(traps magic cylinder)





What exactly is Arm?

THIS user' date=' Right here, is 'Arm'


TC, you suck.

For the sole purpose you claiming this is a D.D. deck, and you use 1 copy of Macro Cosmos and D.Fissure


While were at it, You use a freakin' crap-tastic lolburn card, outside of a burn deck.



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Monsters: 23

Caius the shadow monarch 2

Raiza the storm monarch 2

Prime Material Dragon 2

Gorz Emissary of Darkness 1

D.D. Survivor 3

D.D. Scout Plane 2

Rose Warrior of Revenge 2

Cyber Valley 3

Krebons 2

Summoner Monk 2

Armageddon Knight 1

Spirit Reaper 1



Dimensional Fissure 3

Allure of darkness 2

Soul exchange 2

Different Dimension Reincarnation 1

Brain control 1

Reinforcements of the army 1

Emergency Teleport 1


Traps: 7

Reckless Greed 3

Bottomless Trap hole 2

Return from the different dimension 1

Ceasefire 1


Extra Deck:15

Stardust 2

colassal 2

Red Dragon 1

Thought Ruler 1

Blackrose 1

Dark Strike 1(Need!!)

Iron Chain 1

Goyo 1

Magical Android 1

Armory Arm 1


Better and its below a retail price of 200$ :)

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1. fissure at 3 macro at 2 or 3

2. 1 grand convergance, just incase

3. run 3 of caius the shadow monarch

4. run 3 of survivor

5. take out cylinders, you don't need it

6. D.D. dynamite at 2 or 3

7. take out all of ur monsters and put it removal stuff, survivor, warrior lady, scout plane, warrior, assailant, stuff like that

8. bring ur trap line down to between 5 and 9

9. imporve ur spell line

10. play and enjoy :)

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There needs to be less traps, I recommend for traps about 5-10, and you have about the right amount of spells. And there are so many better cards you could put in than Soldier of Stone. If you want improvement, I recommend getting rid of any cards you can't normally use in a duel. Some cards are just good for discarding for card effect, but if it's a card that could never really be used often, replace it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have made a few changes.



Wall of Illusion 2

dimension jar

Thestalos the firestorm monarch

gandora the dragon of destruction

necro gardna

d.d. survivor 2

mobius the frost monarch

penguin soldier

royal magica library

spirit reaper

gren maju da eiza 2


healing wave generator

chaos sorceror

white horned dragon


exiled force

d.d. crazy beast

d.d. warrior lady

breaker the magical warrior

shield warrior



seven tools of the bandit

ordeal of a traveler

draining shield


torrential tribute

retrun from the different dimmension

grave robbers retribution 2

macro cosmos 3

negate attack

remote revenge




monster reborn

nobleman of crossout

different dimmension capsule

gravekeepers servant

lightning vortex

mage power

soul release

swords of revealing light

soul absorbtion



Stardust Dragon

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this is my build, look it over to get some ideas:


Monsters: 19

x3 Caius

x3 Survivor

x3 Banisher of Radience

x3 Assailant

x2 Warrior

x1 Scout Plane

x1 Lady

x1 Divine Knight Izshark

x1 Card Ejector

x1 Helios


Spells: 10

x3 D. Fissure

x1 Heavy

x1 Vortex

x1 Nobleman

x1 Brain Control

x1 MST

x1 Reinforcements

x1 Grand Convergance


Traps: 13

x3 Bottomless

x3 Karma Cut

x2 Macro Cosmos

x2 Dynamite

x3 D. Prison


total: 42


that's all you'll need

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Okay. I am about to buy the Dark Emperor Structure Deck so I can add some more cards. Thanks for all the current advice. I will post it again after I buy some solo cards and maybe 2 of the structure decks. You have all been really helpful. Some more than others but thanks nonetheless.

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