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My New Synchro Deck [Update 6/7/09]

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Total Cards: 49


Main Deck: 41


Monsters - 21:


Speed Warrior 2x

Junk Synchron 2x

Nitro Synchron 1x

Quilbolt Hedgehog 1x

Shield Warrior 2x

Turbo Booster 3x

Turbo Synchron 1x

Twin-Shield Defender 1x

Sangan 1x

Healing Wave Generator 1x

Turret Warrior 1x

Night Assailant 1x

Marauding Captain 1x

Magna Drago 1x

Dragonic Knight 1x

Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode 1x


Spells - 12:


Book of Eclipse 1x

Book of Moon 1x

Enemy Controller 1x

Giant Trunade 1x

Mist Body 1x

Scapegoat 1x

Swords of Revealing Light 1x

Monster reborn 1x

Pot of Avarice 1x

The Warrior Returning Alive 1x

Card Rotator 1x

Reinforcement Of The Army 1x


Traps - 8:


Reckless Greed 1x

Graceful Revival 2x

Magic Cylinder 1x

Give and Take 1x

Remote Revenge 1x

Assault Mode Activate 2x


Extra Deck - 8:


Colossal Fighter 1x

Junk Warrior 2x

Nitro Warrior 2x

Red Dragon Archfiend 1x

Turbo Warrior 2x

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Um, I didn't have that much money to start with and Wal-Mart has the no return policy if opened. So that's a no-go. I don't think it's that bad but compared to the rest of my cards its the best I have, if I had my other cards (which have mysteriously disappeared I could have added Marauding Captain and Sangan.

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