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Gears of War RP: The Return of the Locust [PG-13][Not started][Accepting PMs or Post]

Shadow Mir

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It is 5 years after the Locust have been destroyed. Most of the world has returned to how it used to be. However, the Locust are far from destroyed. They have brought back the horrible massacre of thousands of innocents. It is up to a squad of 10 to save the world from what it once was. As Dizzy would say, "YEEHAW!!!"





Age[above 16]:

Sec. weapon:

Type:[Choose one: Assaultman, Grenadier, Spec ops, Heavy Force]



[spoiler=Accepted list]

[spoiler=Shadow Mir]

Name: Grant Walkman


Sec. weapon: Stealth camo

Type: Spec ops






[spoiler=Banned list]






5/16/09-RP launched



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