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Infernity Destroyer. [discuss]

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Aparently some are also coming in Stardust Overdrive.

I'm guessing that means we're getting Necromancer and that Force trap card then?

I love the effect' date=' but too deadly.


I'm with Kiryu, since when is deadly a bad thing?

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After Kiryu played his Infernity cards, I looked them up on yugioh wikia, made them english on here, and printed them out. I put them together with my Darkworld deck and ran 3 Forced Requisition. For every one card I discarded, my opponent would discard 3. It was a really powerful deck. They couldn't keep ANYTHING in their hand and, because I was handless too, along with all the Darkworld effects, my Infernity cards would beat them senseless.


On topic: W00t! eye luvs mee sum infernities!!1!

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