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Most Epic Move in a Duel?


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Post your most Epic moves ever in a Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel.


I just had 1. Two turn kill.


Opponent's Turn - 1 facedown. End.


My Turn - Allure of Darkness, Removed BW - Gale from play. Activated Black Whirlwind. Summoned Bora the Spear and added another Gale from my Deck to my hand. Attacked direct (Opp LP: 6300) end.


Opponent's Turn - Another facedown. End.


My Turn - Activate Heavy Storm. Destroying Black Whirlwind and his Torrential Tribute and Dimensional Prison. Summoned BW - Blizzard. Special Summoned Gale. Used Swallow's Nest on Bora to Special Summon Shura from my deck. Used Against the Wind to add Bora to my hand. Specialed Bora. Attacked with Bora, and discarded Kalut the Moon Shadow Bora ATK + 1400 and attacked with the rest for game.


Epic or what?

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Opponent: 1 card on hand and a face-up Gladiator Beast Heranklinos and another GB monster(I forgot what it was)

Me: No field, Summoner Monk And Heavy Storm on hand.


My turn.

Me: I Summon Summoner Monk and discard a Spell card *discards Heavy Storm* to Special Summon rose.

Opponent: wut? What are you going to Synchro Summo... wait. No. You have got to be kidding me!

Me: Nope. *Summons Colossal Fighter*

Opponent: *checks my graveyard and sees 2 Rose, Warrior of Revenge*


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Opponent has 1000 LP i have 400 LP


no cards on my field my opponent has slealth bird face-down and 3 face-down cards.


i draw dark calling i have dark hex-sealed fusion in my graveyard and avian in my hand i use it special summon evil hero wild cyclone then i use Nobleman of Crossout destroy his stealth bird and attack directly, inflict 1900 points of damage to him and, epic win ^_^


P.s: this was in a psp game called yugioh gx tag force 3 !

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There was one time on a yugioh game (an old GBA one) where I faced Kaiba. The first turn he summoned cyber stein and used its effect to special summon blue-eyes ultimate dragon.


I draw. I have Black Illusion Ritual and Relinquished...


I use Relinquished's effect to get rid of his Blue-eyes and gain its ATK/DEF points. (He is at 3000 LP because of cyber stein) So yep............OWNED.

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I was in a real pickle... 100 LP remaining. My friend still had 5000. He had 3 monsters on the field, 3 spell or traps just waiting for me. I had nothing to help my situation on the field or in my hand... And then all of a sudden!!... I lit the table on fire and fked his sheet up.


Actually, I only had one moment that was actually epic. Back when Exodia was cool, I drew all 5 pieces on my first turn. That's about it.

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My Life Points: 1400

Opponent's Life Points: 1000.


Cards in opponent's hand: 3

Cards in my hand: 0


Opponent's field: 2 face-down S/T, Darklord Zerato

My field: nothing


I draw.

I activate Monster Reborn. I reborn his Disk Commander. I draw two cards.

I summon Toon Cannon Soldier. Launch both for game.

I did that with nothing at all. It was epic win.

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