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The Hakurei Shrine. - Lock.

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Anyway, Lar, it incredibly sucks to be you. Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door was made of pure win.


Whoever posted that epic video about EoSD, the one where it shows basically every character from the game, can you post it again? I need to favorite it on YouTube...

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Riku, Patchouli post NAO!



If you guys let this RP die, I'm going put a noob in front of Roxas. He will eventually use the epic finger waggle when the noob pisses him off, at which point I'll tilt Roxas in your direction and you shall be obliterated (except for Zexy, I'll make sure to miss him. Claire can get out of the way herself, lazy bish >_>).

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You should know by now that being God makes me immune to his finger wagging powers.


@Freeshooter: I'm gonna steal the Wii back from my older brother today' date=' and I'm pretty sure he has the GC controllers and memory cards with it.



If you noticed, I put a sentence in there that clarifies I wasn't trying to blast you with it >_>


*pulls photos out of a folder*


You should know this by now >_>


*Hands Claire picture of a dead horse that has been beaten so severely it's hardly recognizable. The fading spray-painted words "Larxene is a goddess" can barely be seen on remains*


"Goddess" is the female version btw. "God" would imply that you're male ^_^

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Riku' date=' Patchouli post NAO!



If you guys let this RP die, I'm going put a noob in front of Roxas. He will eventually use the epic finger waggle when the noob pisses him off, at which point I'll tilt Roxas in your direction and you shall be obliterated (except for Zexy, I'll make sure to miss him. Claire can get out of the way herself, lazy bish >_>).





Also, we must finish Zexy's TCG, at all costs.

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@Lar: xD EPIC



@FS: It got deleted. >_<. But, I'm gonna download it offa niconico, and reupload to MY youtube.


@Amethyst: T-T Thank you.


@Patchulucariku: =o Yes, we must. But it's cool, we're working on it. Rules are done, which cards are in the first set have been decided, it's all good.


Should I make a separate website for my TCG and Danmakufu game?

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=D Maybe I should name it after my game. SoHD.


By the way, FS, my youtube account has the video you were looking for now.


xD Today, I decided to rename my site History folder in my browser. Instead of "History", it is now called "Keine".


Lar, post as Cirno in the RP.

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Well, since I'll probably be at work by the time you get online, just pre-register my account as "Yuyuko Saigyouji".


Just PM me the password here on YCM so I can do the skins whenever I get home. (It'll probably be pretty late unless it storms and makes the park close early.)

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