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The Hakurei Shrine. - Lock.

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Mystia Lorelei

When this card is summoned, flip every monster on the field except this card into face-down Defense Position. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, flip effects cannot be activated. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you may Special Summon this card during your next Standby Phase with 700 ATK and DEF. You can only activate this effect once.



Night Sparrow - Midnight Chorus Master

This card can only be activated if "Mystia Lorelei" is face-up on your Field. Both you and your opponent discard your entire hand, and you both take 200 Life Points of damage for each card you sent to the Graveyard. Then both you and your opponent remove every face-down card on your side of the Field from play, and draw 1 card for each card removed from play. If this card causes both you and your opponent to lose all of your Life Points, you lose the duel.

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Mystia Lorelei

When this card is Summoned' date=' flip every monster on the field except this card into face-down Defense Position. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, flip effects cannot be activated. If this card is destroyed [b']by[/b] battle, you can Special Summon this card during your next Standby Phase with 700 ATK and DEF. You can only activate this effect once.



Night Sparrow - Midnight Chorus Master

This card can only be activated if "Mystia Lorelei" is face-up on your field. Both you and your opponent discard your entire hand, you both lose 200 Life Points for each card you sent to the Graveyard. Then both you and your opponent remove every face-down card on your side of the field from play, draw 1 card for each card removed from play. If this card causes both you and your opponent to lose all of your Life Points, you lose the duel.



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And I want to fight someone on SWR. You guys had butter start playing it.


I've been practicing. >D

Although' date=' I still suck with everyone except Yuyuko and Sakuya, and I'm still not very good with them. D: I can't even beat the story on Easy Mode. [/color']

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I love Touhou 8.


I usually play as Sakuya and Remilia paired.


I can clear the entire game without losing a life and using 1 or 2 bombs, but I always have trouble with that last spell card part.


I beat Remilia on Lunatic once XD


I still have nightmares of Scarlet Gensokyo, though.




Is anyone making the final boss of Imperishable Night? The one with the impossible requests?


Edit: I just realized I started almost every sentence with "I" (including this one) >_>

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