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Pokemon Opal (Carion Region) Application Thread


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I'm like a Pokemon SUPERfan and I like show alot even though I'm to old to watch cartoons anywho this is Pokemon Opal - Carion Region hope you guys join!

Rp Link http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-119873.html






I'm sorry guys but for this RP no Gym Leader/Elite Four Applications.

Now if you like to submit a Pokemon that You've created and want to post it on my RP. If its from someone from Deviantart or some other type of site you must ask the artist who made that sprite if you have permission to submit it.

First is that the Trainer (you) will have a Trainer Level and Trainer EXP now the only way to gain this is if you do special missions or regular missions that have the "Rewards" having to do with trainer experience or trainer leveling up. Now here's an example on how some mission will be:


Example Mission

Rewards: $500, x5 Pokeballs, and 45 Trainer EXP


Now, the special missions will have a certain Trainer Level or Trainer Level plus Trainer EXP typed next to it. For example:


Team Rocket Contest (Not a real mission)

Requirements: Lv. 8 EXP 21

^ If your below this level and experience you may not qualify for this mission.

We will have Holiday Contests also like finding a rare Pokemon that'll only appear to you rarely. Do not get mad at me because I did not choose to post it that you've found it all you need is alittle luck and you might just have it.

Now there will be maps to help you out where all the things are I do this in MS Paint program.

Which, is fairly easy if you want a Region Map Tutorial or you want me to make you a region map.

You will be boarding a ship at the Sinnoh Harbor and once you are all done getting the badges in the Carion Region I will allow you visit the other regions like Kanto, and Jonhto and so on to win the Elite Four and the Regional Gym Leaders.






Pokemon: (Get a starter: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, or Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, or Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup) (They all have you unique evolutions and abilities and make sure that's the one you really want!)

Pokemon Level: Lv.5

EXP: 0/55


- (I'll check on the bulbapedia thing its starter attack)

Money: $ 3,000

Badges: (None)

Elite 4: (None)

Trainer Level: 0

Trainer EXP: 0/5

Description: (Like the Jimmy dude I was using for examples. Short big head sundae brown hair red shirt with an atom that's yellow, blue pants last name is Neutron. you know be specific you can add a story to it if you want to.




(If you have not read the above please do so before submitting).


Pronunciation: (Fi-er E-gg Po-key-mon)

Number: (Whatever it goes in order or the way its posted you know)

Species: (Optional) (Fire Egg Pokemon)

Weight: (Like 5 Tons)

Height: (30 Meters Tall)(jk not tall really do go like 456,009 feet tall k)

Ability: (Torrent or Blaze you get the idea)

Gender: Male: % Female %

Footprint: (Sprite a footprint or leave it blank if it floats or something)

Description: ( It tends to roam around people and is afraid of raging people.)

HP: (456/456)

Weakness: (Fire, Dark, Steel, etc.)

Resistance: (Fire, Dark, Steel, etc.)

Learnset: (Move learned by leveling up)

TM/HM: (TMs or HMs that it can learn)

Evolution Line: ( Lv. 9 --> Lv. 12 --> Lv. 22 or evolves by stone)

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Name:Saruto Desa

Age: 16

Pokemon:Charmander (They all have you unique evolutions and abilities and make sure that's the one you really want!)

Pokemon Level: Lv.5

EXP: 0/55

Attacks:Scratch and Growl

Money: $ 3,000

Badges: (None)

Elite 4: (None)

Trainer Level: 0

Trainer EXP: 0/5

Description: Saruto has blown hair with a black hat. Black shirt and a red hoodlie with the word: Desa. Black pants and hiking boots

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