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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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When they reached the kecleon Market, everyone was just standing around, panicking.


(Who will run the shops?!)

(Whatever will we do?!)


"SHUSH!" Felicity ordered when she saw officer Magnezone arrive.


everyone went silent.

"Bzzt! As we all know, the Kecleon brothers have been abducted." Magnezone began.


(of course...by a GROUDON!)


"BZZT! We have no leads, but the abducter has left tracks leading to FOGBOUND LAKE. We are waiting for Teams AWD and Charm to arrive."


"We'll handle it!" Richard called. Everyone laughed. Team Friendship ignored them and headed off to Fogbound lake, checking their map.


(They're really gonna do it? Eek!)

(Yup yup! They're gonners)

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ooc: A team in an exploration cannot exceed 4 pokemon. Heart and jose will have to go as their own team.


~1 floor~


Team Friendship took the lead. As they entered a clearing, a load of Pokemon appeared.

"WAAAH!" Richard yelled,

"MONSTER HOUSE!" Felicity yelped. They began throwing out scratch attacks, bubblebeams and pecks.

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The discharge hit all the Pokemon!



Team Friendship & co. gained 1000 EXP!




Aquamarine leveled up!

Sparks levelled up!

Richard levelled up!

Felicity leveled up!


Richard and Felicity began to spped up, trying to avoid enemies. Soon, they all reached a clearing. The fog was at its deepest here, and they couldn't go any furthur.


"...let's set up camp here." Felicity deduced. They all made some covers and fell asleep...


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Name: Hunter

Pokemon: Turtwig

Originally a Human: Yes


Hunter lived his life alone, he never interacted with anyone, even his parents or his family. After turning 13, he shut himself inside his room. When he turned 14, he completely changed, becoming Anti-Social, and he seemed to want to murder people. After finally turning 16, he changed back to Anti-Social, never talking with anyone and yet he received a diseas with all this. As he went to the Hospital, he was kept in there for a few Weeks, then was allowed to go back. On his 17th Birthday, he found a strange light coming out from his Bedroom closet, he opened it...only to find himself in a completely different place, and having no memories of anything.

Age: 17

Partner Pokemon: Slash, the Turtwig

(Hunter, after finding Slash, became a bit of friends, eventually they became twin-like, mostly because they were the same at everything.)

Team: WildGrass

Picture of Human form/Pokemon form:






You know what they look like


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"I would." Richard took an apple. "mmm...nice...here's my Pecha berry I found."

"We've still got to reach the cave leading to Fogbound lake itself. So...about two dungeons..." Felicity informed her friends. Suddenly, her bag began to shake.



"YIPES!" Richard yelled. Then, Burmy fell out.


"oof...that hurt!"

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