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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: YAY! my fave halloween song!


Felicity was so scared, her fur and tail ll stood on end. she nudged Richard to wake him up, and then she fell like a rock for the 835575423546345659670684389678923th time.

Richard wa just beginning to wake up after being nudged.

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"ROZE! *Gwark!* Why are you doing...this..." Richard was turning blue...er. just as he felt he was going to suffocate, the red crown shape on his head glowed, releasing him from the grip, and enableing him to use Hydro Pump with full strength. But, only a short amount hit Roze as Richard redirected it to the window. he turned sharply at Roze, his eyes burning red.


ooc: if this was an anime viewing, he'd be on fire...wierd for a water pokemon.

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Richard realised what Hazel and Japer had meant!

"Roze...please...stop...Everyone knows you're a sweet ralts...you're not a killer! You are what you choose to be!"


"Richard, stop quoting from The Iron Giant and get on with this!"

"Felicity, I'm abut to be killed...think you can help?"

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"Sweet...Ralts..." Roze suddenly said with her innocent voice. "NO! YOU FOOL! DON'T LET EMOTIONS CONTROL YOU!! KILL HIM!!!" the voice roared. But then, Roze protested. "STOP, MEANIE-FACE!" and she slapped herself. Extremely hard. The dark aura around her faded, and she fell down, whimpering. Richard was released. Roze saw him lie there, and rushed up to him, hugging him. "RICHARD!! PLEASE FORGIVE ROZE FOR BEING MEAN! MEANIE-FACE IN MY HEAD TOLD ME STUFF!! I'M SORRY, PLEASE!!!" she cried loudly, and tears streamed down her face.

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