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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: page 1 has been edited, my colleague.


Richard and Felicity were walking around Treasure Town. They were greeted my many of the merchants,


"Hey there, R&F!"

"Nice to see ya!"

"How's it going?"




After taking some money and buying stuff, they both saw Heart, Jose, Roze, Blaze and Konohoa. They ran up to their friends

"Hello, you lot!" Richard said cheerfully.

"Hi, heart, little Roze!" Felicity greeted.

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"Yes, a graduation...but I don't know much more about it...but Sunflora told me of a Pokemon who was also a human who graduated with their partner..." He looked toawrds a mountain range. Felicity stared there as well.

"Apparently, he lives on those mountains now, he lives with his partner Sparks, a Raichu, and they are team Saviours."

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ooc; swatking, you'd better be a frequent poster, and also get on my club WITH A BANNER.


Richard thought for a moment.

"I...I don't think anyone but his team members or the Guildmaster know...It began with a 'D', that's all I know."


Felicity also noticed Jose's absence.

"Where's Jose?"

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ooc @ swat: fine, just leave a URL of the site.


Felicity turned. She looked at the bush.

"Jose? Is that you? Heart, I think I heard Jose behind that bush!"

Richard looked behind as well. Then he looked back at blaze.

"I think we should see him as soon as we get the chance."

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