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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: Back. had Chicken. Mmmmmmmm....Simpsons Chicken...


Chatot, wiping his brow with his feathers from relief, looked at José and Heart. "What is it? No, no! follow me." he said as he and the guildmaster entered their room, bringing with them all the Perfect Apples.

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Chatot let out asquawk louder than Wigglytuff's cries earlier.

"M-M-Married?!" he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "...Highly unsual, but...Of course I'll help!" he smiled.

"Yaaay! I love great events!" Wigglytuff chimed in.


whispers were noticablefrom the other side of the door.


(Eek! I knew they would get married someday!)

(wow! I wonder if I'll be Pageboy-er-PagePiplup?)

(Bet I'll be a bridescat!)

(yeah, right, Felicity!)

(oh, hush, penguinboy!)


(eek! SSHHH! They can hear us!)

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The whole guild was silent as José and Heart left.







Chatot and Guildmaster Wigglytuff came out to greet everyone.


"Now, usually, you'd all get the rest of the day off..."

Richard facepalmed.

"D'oh...I only want to get home..."


"SQUAWK! No talking! Now, as I was saying, you would usually get the rest of the day off, but there are special jobs for you to complete. Now then..." Chatot handed out jobs to everyone, not saying what they're for.


"Eek! Where will I find Banners with 'congratulations' on it?" Sunflora let out.

"Hey, Hey! Getting Baloons!" Corphish shouted.

"Ding-Ding! Bell music!" Chimed Chimeco.

"Yup yup! Get something to let Heart borrow...blue preferrable?" Bidoof laughed.



"Now, let's get to work! YOOOOOOOM-TA!!!" Wigglytuff shouted.



All of the jobs were handed out and everyone was getting ready.

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José and Heart were at their home, preparing for their wedding. "Ooh! It's sooo stressing! Which dress should I wear?!" Heart was desperate, wanting to look her best at the wedding. José just chuckled and hugged her. "I don't care which dress you have, my love..." he said soothingly. "...You are always beautiful for me."

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ooc: To save time, we'll skip until that evening.


~After all the jobs were completed~


Chatot and the rest of the Guild had just finished decorating the Guild for the wedding.


"Squawk! Where's Chimeco?" Chatot said, worried.

"Here!" Chimeco called out. She was followed by several other Chimeco, Chingling and a Jigglypuff. "These are members of my musical piece!"


"Wonderful!" Chatot said. "Places! The wedding is about to start~!" Chatot and everyone else were sat on seat-like rocks. Chimeco's band began playing a musical piece like "Here comes the bride" - but Jiggypuff was asleep.


Richard and Felicity were still arguing.

"I should've been made the Pagepiplup!" he muttered.

"And I should've been Bridescat, Beakboy!"

"Furball brain!"

"Frozen head!"


"SQUAWK! STOP ARGUING!" shouted Chatot. Wigglytuff came through his room's doors, and was wearing a load of berries as a necklace.

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"FRIENDS! FRIENDS!" Wigglytuff chanted. Chatot nudged his guildmaster.

"SQUAWK! Do you two both..."

"Friends! Friends! Friends!" Wigglytuff continued.


(Oh my gosh! Wigglytuff's not even paying attention!)

(Yup yup! He's always absent!)


"SQUAWK! ssh! As I was saying, do you both take each other to be the other's beloved spouse?"

ooc to flavour: yes.

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"then, I can say, to make this short you are now-"

"FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS!!!" Wigglytuff yelled.

"Guildmaster, please!" Chatot was getting annoyed.

"But you are Best FRIENDS! We pronounce you Gallade and Gardevoir! YOOOOOM..."


Everyone held their ears.




They began to back off.




"The ceremony has ended." Chatot declared. "Now If you would all proceed upstairs, Chimeco and her band will perform." But as he said that, the Jigglypuff Woke up.


"HEY! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WAKE ME UP?!" She yelled. Then she smiled. "Let me sing you a song..."


NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Came everyone's cry.


Music began to play.

"JIIIIIIIIIIIIII-GAAAAAL-LI-PUUF JIG-GALLY..." Began the Jigglypuff, and within seconds, its effect began.



"Yup, yup....zz.."


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Jigglypuff noticed the lack of music.

"HEY! WHY'D YOU STOP?!" she looked round. all asleep. "HOW RUDE!" She removed the top of her mic, and used it as a pen, starting her drawings on everyone. "hehehe..."





ooc: Next morning = tomorrow. gtg.

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