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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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The Pelliper took the hit.

"OW! So! A fighter?! SHADOW RUSH!" The Mismagius then threw a shadow ball.

Felicity explained to Jose;

"The stranger...a few years ago, when I was more of a Kitten Skitty, I was with my parents in a town square in another region. When they were talking to a Wigglytuff about friend areas, this tall Pokemon hovered to me and gave me this locket. The guy was wierd. He* had a purple tail and had two 3-fingered hands. He never spoke with his mouth, but instead spoke into my mind. I've never removed the locket...He told me that it was a D-P** Locket. He said when the time was right, it would do something to bring me to him..."



* - I might as well refer to Mewtwo as a "he" - he does sound like one right?

** D-P...sound familliar? (De-Purification)

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Felicity jumped back in surprise.

"M-M-Mewtwo?!" she paused for a moment, then turned her head and asked, "Er...what's a mewtwo? What's the big deal?"

Richard was lost in tought.

"...That decription...sounded like that Pokemon I saw who enslaved all my friends when I was shown what would happen if I returned to being human..."

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"OW!" the Mismagius ran off with Pelliper. "The burned down Apple Woods has something important...and no one can enter until we find it..."


"A...pokemon created by team Rocket? OK, firstly, what's a team rocket*, and secondly, how can a Pokemon be created?"

Richard jumped into the conversation.

"I've heard of this 'Team Rocket'...I think...my memories...OWOWOWOWOW! My head hurts!" Richard blacked out.



A few visions of people in costumes with "R" on them flashed through his mind. Richard saw himself in one of those costumes, also wearing a wierd device on his arm while talking to a guy with a tag on him saying, "If it's Pokemon, SNAG 'EM!". He heard a few lines of what 'he' was saying to the guy as the picture faded.

"Thanks for giving Team Rocket this partnership. This SNAG MACHINE of yours could do well if its reproduced and dispersed among us, Gonzor."

"Hmm. Just remember, I don't exactly trust BOYS with these things since another kid ran off with our previous model..."



Richard woke up in a sweat.

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Jake then sees Clarie: Clarie go back to tesure town and find the whats lefted of the guild tell them there where some some shady pokemon outside if apple woods and and your friend is in there ok

Clarie: ok (she starts to run while Jake walks in the forest)

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Richard didn't say anything. What if they stop trusting me?

Felicity smiled and purred like any normal cat would when happy.

"Come on, Richard, tell us!"

"Urk...I...saw myself...as a human...about 1 year ago...in a team rocket uniform...talking to a guy..." Richard explained most of it to them. Felicity looked wide-mouthed.

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