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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: Good. Heart now can see wierd purple auras around certain Pokemon (I'll explain more on that later)


Richard's fever began fading, then he got up, the aura stronger than before.

"Hehehe..." he laughed eerily. he took out his explorer badge to return him and Felicity to the guild, and when at the guild, placed her on her bed, then spoke to Guildmaster Wigglytuff. "Guildmaster? I think you and I should have a little chat..."


All over treasure town, Wigglytuff's horrible screams and an evil laugh could be heard;



ooc: I have school in the morning. gtg.

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When Felicity woke up, she found she was in her bed.

"Urk...what happened to me? I feel so weak..." she groaned. Bidoof came in with Chimeco to see her.

"You're awake, yup yup!"

"Ding-Ding-Ding! Great!"

"Please, you two, can you tell me what happened to me?" Felicity looked annoyed.

"...Richard brought you here when you were unconcious...then he..." Bidoof trailed off, looking behind him. Then he and Chimeco ran off to the Guildmaster's room. "Guildmaster?"

Wigglytuff let out a loud groan as a reply. Chatot had not returned and Wigglytuf was now badly injured from the attack of their own guild member.

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"Ah...nice to meet you, Rammer, Blocky. Er - this is a bit early, but have you seen a piplup with a wierd red crown-like bit between his eyes? I need to find him!" Felicity was very concerned.


At Sharpedo Bluff, Richard was standing at the edge of the cliff. He spoke in a voice that was not his.

"Hehehe...The door to this Pokemon's heart is being closed while I am in control...but he's tried escaping this fate when he was human...Better leave him for now, however..." Richard exhaled deeply and fell unconcious backwards. The aura that Heart had seen around him before was no longer there. Richard was letting out sudden gasps of speach.

"No...Gira...Gira...chasing me...Argh...bad posession...Shadow Rush!"

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When Felicity reached Sharpedo bluff, she screamed as she saw the unconcious Richard so close to the cliffside, tossing and turning.

"GET AWAY FROM THERE! RIIIIICHAAAAARD!!!!" She shouted so loud that there was a little tremour. Richard began waking.

"Urk...How'd I get here?!" Richard got to his feet and quickly went through his dream;

"It was deep in a dungeon, pitch black. A Gengar was talking about Thorn, and Chatot was there, too, wanting to get rid of Thorn for some reason! AND, According to Sunflora, Chatot went to a place called NIGHTMARE CAVE earlier!"

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Richard re-explained everything to his friends, growing tired of repeating.

"I think I'll go to bed..." R & F said in unison. They headed off back, too tired to care.


In the cave, One of the Shedinjas was hit.

It began falling on account of only having 1 HP. "Oiks! He has hit me and I churn!"

"To master Gengar we return!"

The two flew off.

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At the bottom of Nightmare Cave, the Gengar was outraged at the news from Shedinja #1.

"GRRR! My master's not gonna be happy about this!!!"

Indeed, I am Not! BEGONE! A strange voice echoed through the place, and all Pokemon but Gengar, Chatot and Thorn were left in the dungeon.

"Master! Please! Without those Pokemon, we can't keep up the dark illusions!"

"Chatot! Chatot Chatot Chatot! I CAN'T STAND BEING CHATOT!!!"

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