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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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All the guild members began chanting.


"...AND THREE: SMILES GO FOR MILES!" They finished.

"Squawk! Good. Now, a word from our guildmaster..." Chatot turned to Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff was just staring. "...Guildmaster?" Chatot asked, very puzzled.


(Gosh! What's wrong?)

(CROAK. Has he...?)

(gee...the Guildmaster's asleep again...)

Mutters came from the crowd.


Chatot nudged Wigglytuff.

"GUILDMASTER!" he squawked. The guildmaster suddenly shook.

"Everyone, please remember to help out Richard and the other new members of the guild. Let's all get working. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM-TA!"


(YAAAAAY!) Everyone chanted.


Most of the pokemon were off to start missions, but Richard just looked back and saw Jose and Heart.


"eww...You two..."

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Guest Lily

Rammer (the Cranidos) and Blocky (the shieldon) were late yet again. The 2 ran past to try to come up with another excuse to tell Chatot why they slept in again.

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Guest Lily

Suddenly, Rammer ran blindly into a wall, which caused Lucario to fall.

"I am so sorry!" Rammer said to Lucario, trying to apoligize before Blocky pushed him along to see Chatot.

"Oh man! Again!?" Rammer & Blocky said at the same time.

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Richard and Felicity began their way to the mission board.

"Let's see...'lost my Scanner Orb'...'I was KO'd'...AH!" Felicity grabbed a mission from the board.

"What do you mean by 'Mission'? I've only been here for a day." Richard asked.

"huh? oh, a mission is a task that we, as rescue teams, must perform. They arealways set up to assist pokemon in need. And also..." Felicity went through a lengthy explanation.

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