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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: Well, If you remember before the big fight against Kyogre and Groudon, Thorn wanted to join the Guild. Chatot is rather reluctant, so he has sent Thorn to a special Dungon which he claims to be "Weak" - but what I haven't actually told Flavour is that the dungeon is supposed to be an extremely difficult one - If Thorn makes it through (Which Chatot thinks is impossible), Thorn will be officially accepted and his team will be placed straight at Bronze Rank. Chatot is, however, worried that guildmaster Wigglytuff will find out.


BTW; finished training Petal?

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Richard and Felicity decided to go to sleep early when they reached the Guild. Richard didn't fall asleep for a while, however. He was too busy thinking.

Felicity...I hope she knows...no...she can tell.. Richard nodded off, then had a dream...



His dream took place far away, in Nightmare Cave's very bottom, where a strange conversation was in place.

"...A tresspasser to this place? You want me to wipe them out?"


"Wait! Won't they just teleport out and back to that guild?!"

"Not if you remove the explorer badge, Gengar"

"Hehehehe...That will be done, Ch-"


Richard was woken up suddenly by a slight tremour in the Ground.

No...That dream...could it be real? Where was that place? Who is that tressspasser? And who was that Gengar talking to? he sounds familliar...

ooc: nice splice!

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