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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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ooc: oh, you're on.


Chatot took out his world map. He pointed out a spot close to Treeshroud Forest.

"There. Though, that hidden Pokemon...It is EXTREMELY powerful...(compared to the others)" he cut off the last part of what he was saying. "You COULD take a guild member with you, but I'm sure you can handle it..." Chatot began ushering Thorn out of the Guild, hoping that Guildmaster Wigglytuff wasn't nearby.


La-lalalala-lala-lalaaa...friends, friends friends! Wigglytuff's voice was not too far.

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Thorn nodded again. "I should get going. There's no need for extra members. If I want to prove myself, I should be able to handle this," he hurried out of the Guild. Once outside, he decided to stock up in Kecleon Market before setting out for Nightmare Cave. He flew in the direction of Treasure Town, trying to decide which items he would buy. I only have 1000 Poké, so I can't be spending it to lazily... he thought.

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ooc: Richard and Felicity have been given access to a secret place, Thorn is going to prove himself to Chatot, et cetera, et cetera, and so on, and so forth



The Kecleons were fast asleep at their shop.

"Zzzzz....slow day...." KCB snored loudly.

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz...." KCG snored even louder.

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snce it was nearing the evening, the Krabby were around and started blowing bubbles. Felicity refrained from holding Richards hand-er-wing.

"The Krabby make this place so beautyfu-huh?" she looked over her shoulder and saw Aquamarine and Sparks. "Gasp! Quick! let's get them to the guild!"


Felicity and Richard went up to their friends.

"You alright? what happened to you? Richard asked.

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Thorn smiled at Heart and José. "Hello! I'm good, just a little nervous. Chatot has sent me on a mission to prove myself to the Guild, so I decided I would stock up at the Market first," Thorn glanced at the Kecleon Brothers, still snoring away. "But I guess the store's not open yet!" he chuckled. "But tell me, how are you? Anything big happenong in your lives right now? besides the wedding, of course..."

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"I only have 1000 Poké, you see," he explained to them. "I'm not sure which items are important for expeditions, and I can't buy anything I like, either, seeing as this has to last me. Could you help me pick the items I need?" he asked, a little sheepishly.

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OoC: It's hard...why don't we just skip the Item buying? Then as the RP progresses, more items will be used, which means you'll get to learn more,


IC: Five minutes later, Thorn buzzed away from Kecleon Market with a full Treasure Bag. He still had 500 Poké left, thanks to Hearty and José, and decided to deposit it in Duskull bank.

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