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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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Felicity was looking at the missions board, and took one off.

[spoiler=Want 5 Chestnuts!]

Client: Mankey

Location; Mankey Forest

Mission: give the client 5 Chestnuts

Reward: 200 Poke + ???

Rank: C


Richard entered and looked at the mission.

"Great..another mission..."


He changed his tune when he saw Thorn.

"Chatot's waiting downstairs."

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ooc: Sure. And' date=' if you're wondering why I am hardly on YCM right now...I'm playing Pokemon Platinum and Yu-Gi-Oh! Stardust Accelerator (WC 2009). And I also have LOADS of stuff going on.[hr']

oh, and, PM me with any ideas. We can discuss it like that.


OOC: I'm playing those too! ^_^ Sure, if i get an idea, i'll pm you

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ooc: good.


Chatot looked annoyed. "About the other day...when you joined the guild...you need to take..." Chatot coughed away the words, "and fail", and then continued; "a test to be officially accepted. If you pass, I will also pull some strings to get your team to be Bronze rank."

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ooc: D'OH! I missed Flavour again...


*sweatdrop on Chatot*

"Er...sorry..." Chatot muttered. "erm...You need to go to a dungeon called Nightmare Cave. It contains weak Pokemon, but there are strange things about them...And, there's the hiddn Pokemon that hides at the bottom."


Meanwhile, Richard and Felicity were just returning from their mission.

"Thank you for giving me these *munch* Five *gulp* Chestnuts! We Mankey LOVE Chestnuts!" Mankey thanked team Friendship. He took out a pouch he was holding. "Here's 500 Poke..." he gave it to them, but 200 of it vanished. Richard looked in disbelief.


Felicity explained again about the guild rule concerning money. Richard nodded.

"...Here's your secret reward - but I need you to follow me to my hideout." Mankey began running outside with his new friends following him. He stopped at the Beach, tapped part of the bottom of the cliff (the part of Sharpedo Bluff underneath Thorn's home) and whispered something. A hatch appeared and opened. The three Pokemon entered.


"Nice..." Richard said. The inside was a small room, in the shape of a Square. In each wall, there was an indentation that looked like a Pokemon.

"Kangaskhan...Persian...Wigglytuff...Ditto?" Felicity identified them all as she looked at them.

"Er, how is this a reward, Mankey?" Richard asked.


*Mankey Anime falls*


"GWAH! Have you not noticed this is a secret place with wierd looking holes in the walls that could be part of a mystery?!" Mankey turned around and began breathing calmly. "*inhales* Clam down, Mankey...*exhales and inhales* Calm down..." He looked at them both and gave them a scroll and left. Felicity read it out loud.

"Mankey's list. 1) Buy a pretty pink ribbon to go in my fur...2) Buy 3 heart scales and put them on my ballerina costume..." Felicity and Richard looked at each other, and Mankey anime fell again, returned to the cave, took the scroll and gave them another one.

"Whoops...that's my shopping and to-do list..hehehe..." he ran off. Richard and Felicity burst out laughing. Then they read what Mankey MEANT to give them.


Mankey's secret room.

1) If you are not me or are not someone who helped me get CHESTNUTS (mmmm....), then you shouldn't read furthur.

2) When you come to the hidden entrance, tap the rock surface two times (Man-Key), then six (M-A-N-K-E-Y), then nine times (C-H-E-S-T-N-U-T-S)

3) You will then see the hatch open, so go inside before it closes again.

4) Try and work out what those inscriptions are for - I have no clue!

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