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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures Beyond! ENDED/CLOSED. LOCK NOW


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Marowak just sighed and hit himself over his head with his bone.

"Not very well. Chatot came up to me this mornin' and ordered me to let a level 60 Salamence with orders to attack all who train in my dojo to be let into my dragon dungeon! And then, those Aquamarine and Sparks guys just came, and I had to send them in, then that Richard fellow followed them and - er - I've said too much! AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGH!!!!!" Marowak ran off and hid near Sharpedo Bluff. He acted about as strange as Sunflora had been...

The Salamence decended from the roof to see the team Static Wave.


Salamence let out an extremely poweerful Dragonbreath.

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Salamence laughed when he took on the attacks.

"HAHAHA...That tickles! SERIOUSLY? YOU CALL THAT AN ATTACK? THIS IS AN ATTACK!" Salamence let our the loudest roar he could, then, parts of the roof began falling like meteors. "DRACO METEOR!!!"


Richard and Felicity sped up, eventually finding themselves in the bottom with team Static Wave. They began dodging the attacks.





They let out calls like that each time.

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"Oh, hey Aquamarine! Sure, as long as you listen to me when I explain something later!"


Richard used water gun, and Felicity used scratch. The Salamence didn't even flinch.

"HA. AND TO THINK, YOU TWO BEAT GROUDON AND KYOGRE! GROOOOAR!" Salamence began charging up for another attack, but Felicity whispered to Aquamarine and Richard.

"(Psst! You two! here's a plan! you two use water gun or hydro pump combined to throw me up to that meany, then I will use scratch on the most delecate part of a dragon's body...its underbelly!)"

"I get it..." Richard agreed.

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Richard also let out a more powerful water gun. Felicity hopped into the combined attacks, then lept towards Salamence.


"HUH? WHAT'RE YA DOIN?! DON'T HIT ME THER-AAARGH!" Salamence cringed. Felicity fell back to the ground, then prepared to strike again, waiting for the others to get Salamence.

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Salamence let out such a loud roar, all of the captured Pokemon

(which had been watching silently in the net that they were in) broke free and scattered all over the place, running away from the noise.


Salamence dropped to the floor.

"....GWAH!" He let out another groan before collapsing.


"That was too easy..." Richard said under his breath.

"Hmmm..." Felicity went closer. Salamence opened an eye, then grabbed Felicity. He flew up to the roof with her.

"LET HER GO!!!" Richard ordered.

"Go?! OK!" Salamence dropped Felicity, she screamed a high-pitched scream. She landed on the floor with a loud SMACK, then, she was unconcious.

"You...Will...Pay for that!!!" Richard took a deep breath.

"HAHAHA! OH, REALLY?" Salamence laughed.

"Yep." Richard's eyes were a burning red. the little miscolour on his head (ooc: see his pic on my app on page 1) glowing. "HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYDRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOO PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!!!!"


The Hydro Pump attack was so powerful, Salamence was sent through the whole dungeon, through all other training dungeons, and beyond the roof of the dojo. Richard stopped glowing, but he began getting feverish. he then fainted.

ooc: he won't use hydro pump again. He was only able to use it from rage.

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