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My first ever sig. [/veryfail]


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I will CnC! Ok let the lesson begin:

The render is bad. Try to get a render that is HQ and not choppy

The render takes up the whole sig. I can't see what you did to the BG.

NEVER CENTER THE FOCAL! Try not to make the render in the center. Ruins it.

Try to make the colors of the BG the same as the render

You don't have any blending or depth.

Read some tuts and you will become much better.

Also, for a first it is better than most! Better luck next time bro

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[align=center]Thanks Haseo. ;D

My friend chose the render. I know not to center the focal, but the render looks very retarted when it's on the side. Good tip for the bg. ;D

I know whaty bleding is, but not depth.

Also, PS is at my sorta aunties and I go there every 2nd weekend if im lucky. So i don't get much time on there. I get about 20mins-3hours.

Thanks for CnC. ;D[/align]

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