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Do you fear death


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Guest Fake Apology

No, I don't fear death, death fears me.[/ChuckNorrisStyle]


But seriously, I only fear what you Super Cheesy fear too; not that I will be gone, but that other people I love will go away from me, and I won't have them back. Then I will always think it was my own fault I lost them, and try to get away from my fake(if they are) remorses. I already have lost some relatives in the past, but I won't explain in detail.


Thanks for reading(if you did)~

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i fear not death. death is nothing more than the next great adventure. (wise man voice) also it is the cure for the most dreadful pain you can imagine :-) (sails person voice). But seriously i think death is nothing but the end of your life. like the finish line to a race. if you die before your time then that sucks cause your death just damned a whole branch of choices that could have been made in the "tree of choices" but if you die after living a long life then it's like taking a well deserved rest. plus i believe in resurrection so we all will live again and that helps me not fear death.

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