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Why is this guy banned!?

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Back when I used to duel, I saw this card come up ALL the time. It was also very funny that I always had one card on the field when they activated CED's effect - 'Barrel Behind the Door'. Yeah, they HATED seeing all that damage come back to them. (Those kids hated me. I only put 'Barrel Behind the Door' in my deck because they all used 'CED' and 'Ring of Destruction')


It's as broken today as it was back then. With Lightsworns, there would be NO problem getting the monsters you need in the Gravey (although any good Chaos deck never had a problem getting the monsters needed to summon this guy in the Grave in the first place).


High ATK, easy summoning, field nuke. It's as everybody has already said - BROKEN!

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He's banned because he sucks so much that they couldn't allow such a sucky card to exist in the TCG.


Wow way to put a duel monster spirit down.


Wow way to not recognise sarcasm.


wow way to not recognize mine lol


With a name like "rookie", how can you expect not to be taken literally?

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This much concentrated terribad trolling assembling in the same place was essential to my ressurection.


Anyways, Joke Topic this is. Seriously, a Blind Person could see this is banworthy.

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It got banned because its too old.


Quick' date=' someone ban Celtic Guardian!


It's banned due to the epic typo in the text :lol:



Lol, but guardian is not worth that much.


Like PSA said, besides being broken, it was for money cause Konami is made up of greedy people.


Screw the Meta, We're Konami!

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Its banned cause the only 4 Blue-Eyes cards got jealous of this cards amazing superiority and Kiaba complained to Pegasis that his best cards were s*** compared to this and gave Pegasis $20' date='000,000 to ban it so he could stay on top.



Kaiba would never get a card get banned because it was OP'ed.

He'd collect all of those cards, getting people killed and bankrupting people while doing it, keep three of them, build a deck with those three in it, and tear the other ones so that they" would never be used against him".

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Its banned cause the only 4 Blue-Eyes cards got jealous of this cards amazing superiority and Kiaba complained to Pegasis that his best cards were s*** compared to this and gave Pegasis $20' date='000,000 to ban it so he could stay on top.



Kaiba had 1 in his deck and played it once in the worst way possible.

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the reason some cards were banned or limited because they were way overused or just too powerful. monster reborn will let you summon a monster from your graveyard or even a monster from your opponent's graveyard and there's no cost to that too. witch of the black forest lets you search out many monster with high atk and low def (summoned skull. 2500 atk, 1200 def, 6 stars). so pulling out a tough monster is easier with the witch. other cards like rageki, dark hole, and harpie's feather duster are banned also because their effects are very powerful and have no cost to them. the ban list also makes the game more challenging and not ensure a whole lot of short and easy wins in a duel

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Icy's right. Unless your opponent has something, this card is the kiss of death. Send all cards on the field AND HAND to the Graveyard, and 300 damage to your opponent for it. Let's see, at most you can deal 6000 Life Points of damage on the field, and who knows how many cards are on the field. Let's say you have about 8 cards in your hand, your opponent has say, 6, and you have 8 because of infinite cards. That would make 4200 more damage, it's not likely, but possible. You can deal some good damage with this card, and works well in the end of the duel. That's why it's called Envoy of the "End", because it can very well be the "End".

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