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Why is this guy banned!?

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Simple. If you get enough cards on the field' date=' you would get an OTKO.



I do believe the man was making fun of a previous topic involving Cyber Jar and Witch of the Black Forest.


I believe this because the only way it could be more Anviliciously-done would be if Father Wolf stuck Raigeki in place of Chaos Emperor Dragon, or formatted it as if it were a quote from that thread, or both.

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He was never broken. I mean' date=' what good monsters are there that are either LIGHT or DARK Attribute anyway? Certainly none in the top sixteen...



Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, field nuke was never broken?


Also, Lightsworns wanna so jabronislap you so funking hard atm.

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This much concentrated terribad trolling assembling in the same place was essential to my ressurection.


You know, there were lot of topics that were even worse than this one that you could have replied in.


This card has a whopping 3000 ATK, is DARK, has relatively easy Summoning Conditions, has a field-nuke/burn effect that occurs for a minor cost of only 1000.

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All the good LIGHT and DARK monsters love the grave and would hate being removed from play.Even Anti-Meta cards are remove from play


A OTK wouldn't be possible unless there are 26 cards on the hand and field combined which is unlikely in this meta.

It's also not broken because lolwikia says it is

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