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crystal beasts for 2009

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well the title is not very creative, but i have been brainstorming for awile now and here is what i came up with


total 40



x3 peggie

x3 tiger

x3 cat

x2 mamoth

x2 ruby

x2 diamond dude

x2 summoner monk

x1 rescue cat



x3 rare value

x3 abundance

x3 rainbow ruins

x3 crystal beacon

x2 crystal relaese

x2 lightining vortex

x1 terraforming

x1 reborn

x1 crystal blessing



x1 torrentail tribute

x1 crystal counter

x1 crystal pair


well thats my take on crystal abundance otk this is pretty much the main deck(execpt i am still messing around with the traps) and i need to make a side deck latter, so post your words, phrases, comments,..... numbers, and tell me what you think



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pretty good, but here's my opinion


1. you should run mammoth at 3

2. Kuraz the light monarch, take out 2 CB's right to the spell and trap zone, draw 2 cards, u get beacon, pegasus, a 3rd CB (my personal fav move XD)

3. for traps try beast soul swap, since most of the CB's are beasts this'll work well, u can summon pegasus, swap for pegasus and get 2 CB's right there, also good for double attacks as well

4. if ur gonna do pair 3 is probably best

5. "side Crystal Tree, it may help u one day" my friend Corey, the girl who inspired me to go CB


that's about it

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mamoth at 3 seems like abit much but i will consider it, and i will side out for kuraz and crystal tree. beast soul swap hm.... never even tought about that will give it a try, also i would run 3 pairs if i had them like i said i am still playing with the traps


thanks for the suggestions.

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Rainbow dragon?~




Also CBs run either 1 or 4 traps. Torrential Tribute and Solemn (Solemn are not neccesesary) So remove the Crystal Pair and Crystal Counter. Then add 3 solemns and you will be fine. Right now you have 18+18+3 = 39 cards.


running solemn is ok, nut pair has it's uses, even though u have to send CB's to the grave to use it u also have to give some thought to blessing, when u put all ur CB's in the spell and trap zone this might make blessing a dead draw, buy using pair u give blessing a target and u still get a CB in ur spell and trap zone, i'd keep a pair or 2 in there

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