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Bully > GTA

Cyber Altair

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Shut the f*** up




Go feed your insecurity with a hot coffee mod while complaining about your virginity.


Rockstar needs to invest in Bully instead of GTA.


True. But GTA > Bully. I really hope Rockstar is going to make a new Bully game.


No. Bully was more realistic then GTA ever was. Everyone can relate to Bully and a couple of mistakes doesn't stop it. They used GTA's mechanics and proved that you can make a realistic game about kids.

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Shut the f*** up




Go feed your insecurity with a hot coffee mod while complaining about your virginity.


Rockstar needs to invest in Bully instead of GTA.


True. But GTA > Bully. I really hope Rockstar is going to make a new Bully game.


No. Bully was more realistic then GTA ever was. Everyone can relate to Bully and a couple of mistakes doesn't stop it. They used GTA's mechanics and proved that you can make a realistic game about kids.


Yeah, I admit it, among GTA games and Bully in PS2, Bully wins. But for a franchise, GTA wins. But that's only because Bully has only 1 game while GTA has like, 10 games? So therefore, GTA > Bully. But seriously, make more Bully, Rockstar!

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I don't drink coffee...


Virginity yea sure' date=' im not the f***ed up one who thinks he is a girl...


F***ing f**...



Idiot, just gtfo. and learn what the hot coffee mod is >.>


Rockstar needs to invest in Bully instead of GTA.


True. But GTA > Bully. I really hope Rockstar is going to make a new Bully game.


No. Bully was more realistic then GTA ever was. Everyone can relate to Bully and a couple of mistakes doesn't stop it. They used GTA's mechanics and proved that you can make a realistic game about kids.


Yeah' date=' I admit it, among GTA games and Bully in PS2, Bully wins. But for a franchise, GTA wins. But that's only because Bully has only 1 game while GTA has like, 10 games? So therefore, GTA > Bully. But seriously, make more Bully, Rockstar!



Quality > Quantity.

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Bully was actually a really fun game.


GTA got boring after a little bit, and 4 is just the same, stale, slapped-together story and boring gameplay all over again.



I have it (and lost it) and I've played two GTA games' date=' and Bully is still better.


Quality > Quantity.




Goddess Larxene hath spoken!

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Bully sucks' date=' GTA gives more violence.


As if when you get back from school you want to play a game about it D:



lol Bully was more story driven than any Rockstar game. GTA was just a no holds bar city with some half ass story to give the mission an excuse. Plus the realism is it makes it so much better then GTA. Violence doesn't mean a game is good. World of Goo anyone?

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I like the shooting and blowing of cars rather than throwing stink bombs at nerdy kids XD


Whatever' date=' your gay so your opinion doesn't matter >.>



Can you not say stuff like that? I get enough of it at school, and my opinion does count, every ones does.

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1- Gta 1-2 are 2D. Gta 3-4 are 3D.

2- Gta 3 was the first to have a story that was good.


4- GTA 4 had a good aiming system, that was similar to Gears of War.

5- GTA 4 has an outstanding story

6- all the stories are different.

7- since rockstar continues to make add-ons for GTA, the gameplay won't get repetitive (like you, saints row)

8- GTA 4 has best voice acting, EVER.

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Bully was fun and something more realistic. idk about you but I'd like a game that relates to me then a game where I'm superman and I can cost the states billions in losses before coming out of jail after a couple of hours.


Marvel probably just hates bully because anything related to school brings back "traumatic events".


Prejudice towards a game because of it's setting >_>


And he's feeding his insecurity by killing people and his subconscious is rejecting his gay mentality by banging up whores.

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Marvel probably just hates bully because anything related to school brings back "traumatic events".


Prejudice towards a game because of it's setting >_>


And he's feeding his insecurity by killing people and his subconscious is rejecting his gay mentality by banging up whores.





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1- Gta 1-2 are 2D. Gta 3-4 are 3D.

2- Gta 3 was the first to have a story that was good.


4- GTA 4 had a good aiming system' date=' that was similar to Gears of War.

5- GTA 4 has an outstanding story

6- all the stories are different.

7- since rockstar continues to make add-ons for GTA, the gameplay won't get repetitive (like you, saints row)

8- GTA 4 has best voice acting, EVER.



I can't decide which part of this post is the stupidest.



@2: Doubt it. None of them have good stories.


@3: Who cares? That just means it's on a more expensive system. Graphics don't make the game.


@5: Yeah...still doubt it.


@8: I really don't know how to respond to this since obviously this means you don't play very many good games.

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