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GIMP Tutorial: Rendering

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[align=center]I made a tutorial to teach you how to render on gimp.


[spoiler= 1st.]

select and image you want to render.





select the weired looking yellow shape.





use the magnifying tool to zoom in.





start selecting along the edges. But after you use the magnifying tool and then selecting the yellow tool.





once you have selected around the whole image, use the Right click



It should look like this when you are done.




Thats all. + reps are appreciated.

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Also its a BOY.




Looked like a GIRL imo.


I could tell it was and emo boy.


I sorta rushed the render though.


Just because you could doesn't mean I could.

It looked like "He" was wearing a hair pin so I just assumed =P

Eh, you just missed some spots but it doesn't seem to bad.

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Also its a BOY.




Looked like a GIRL imo.


I could tell it was and emo boy.


I sorta rushed the render though.


Just because you could doesn't mean I could.

It looked like "He" was wearing a hair pin so I just assumed =P

Eh' date=' you just missed some spots but it doesn't seem to bad.



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