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Proper ratio of tuners to non-tuners?

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What would be the proper ratio of tuners to non-tuners if the only Synchro monster is Stardust Dragon? In general? What would be the recommended levels of these monsters?


Irl, the only tuners that seems to interest me are my 2 Krebons and Iron Chain Coil (I'm keeping Plaguespreader in my Zombie deck for other reasons, and I have a bunch of Copy Plants and Psychic Jumpers for some reason O_____o), so what would the levels of the remaining 17 level 4 and lower monsters be?


Monster suggestions must be able to protect themselves with high DEF and/or a special effect, preferably not destroyed by battle. And don't say Marshmallon, I'm planning to get that in a Duelist Pack Yugi pack anyway :P

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I'm planning to use it in a burn-esque deck. Stardust exists to protect the cards I have on the field. The base for this is the deck that went missing irl, but it came back to me weirdly. Do I need to post a card list of that deck? I forgot to mention I also have Tuningware.

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[spoiler=Deck List]Deck (44, in card jackets):

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

Ultimate Tyranno

Prime Material Dragon

Castle Gate


Kelbek x 2

Roulette Barrel



Destiny Hero – Defender

Blue Thunder T-45


Outstanding Dog Marron

The Unhappy Maiden

Ghost Gardna x 2

Gravekeeper's Guard

Hyper Hammerhead

Legendary Jujitsu Master

Thousand Needles

Stealth Bird

Yellow Luster Shield x 2

Chorus of Sanctuary

Continuous Destruction Punch

Dark Snake Syndrome


Brain Control

Soul Exchange

Creature Swap

Messenger of Peace

Fairy Box

Bad Reaction to Simochi

Draining Shield

Level Conversion Lab

Astral Barrier

Spirit Barrier

Threatening Roar

Needle Wall

Torrential Tribute

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation

Swords of Revealing Light


Side Deck (in card jacket):

Gorz - Emissary of Darkness

Ice Master


Handcuffs Dragon


Side Deck (not in card jacket):

Stealth Bird

Guardian Statue

Gravekeeper's Guard

The Dark Door



[spoiler=Swap Ins]Krebons x 2

Iron Chain Coil


Twin-Headed Behemoth x2 or 3

Gonogo x 3

Shield Warrior

Stealth Bird

Spirit Reaper

Gyroid x 2 (maybe)



[spoiler=Current Lv4 and unders]Stealth Bird

Legendary Jujitsu Master

Ghost Gardna x 2

Gravekeeper's Guard

Kelbek x 2

Outstanding Dog Marron


Roulette Barrel


The Unhappy Maiden


Thousand Needles

Hyper Hammerhead

Destiny Hero - Defender

Blue Thunder T-45



Yes, I know most of the monsters are hodge-podgy, but I tried to do the best I could with my current cards (it did well with defending itself in school duels, never went to the locals before. Most people run aggro decks and the only deck types that beat my deck were my brother's DARK deck (which lacks Dark Armed Dragon), my bro's pseudo-Charmer deck (don't ask, it's annoying beyond all description >>), my friend's Exodia deck, and my friend's Plant Deck (not as much as the other three)). I'm pretty sure there's more burn/defense to be put in that I overlooked, plus I need to get that Magic Cylinder from my Zombie Deck >> and Ceasefire.

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Okay, I've finalized the candidates that might be swapped into the deck to adjust for Turbo Warrior and Stardust Dragon:


[spoiler=Tuners]Krebons x 2

Iron Chain Coil

Turbo Synchron

Plaguespreader (only if really needed)


[spoiler=Non-Tuners]Shield Warrior

Stealth Bird


Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird x 1/2/3

Monk Fighter x 1/2/3

Des Wombat x 1/2/3

Spirit Reaper


Deep Diver

Raging Flame Sprite x 0/1/2



[spoiler=Spells and Traps]Book of Eclipse

Gravity Bind

Dark Room of Nightmare

Dark Snake Syndrome

Wave-Motion Cannon

Swords of Concealing Light

Nightmare's Steelcage

Lightning Vortex

Ceasefire (if needed)

Magic Cylinder (if needed)

Burning Land x 1/2/3 (if needed)



Considering the basis of the deck, what needs to be swapped in/out in order to make it more burnish? You can also suggest some cheap/easy-to-get cards for the deck as well.

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