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My Deck of Choice

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I don't know whether I should call it 'Unlimited Blade Works', 'Sir Lancelot', 'Seedle', or 'Frenzy of Moment' . . . however, rather than just go on about that, here's the actual decklist:



Rose, Warrior of Revenge x2

Command Knight x3

Blade Knight x2

Marauding Captain x3

Tune Warrior x2

Twin-Sword Marauder x3

Shield Warrior x1

Exiled Force x1

Mataza the Zapper x3



The A. Forces x2

Inferno Reckless Summon x2

Giant Trunade x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Snatch Steal x1

Monster Reborn x1

Premature Burial x1

Pot of Greed x1



The Grave of Enkindling x2

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x2

Compulsory Evacuation Device x2

Forced Back x3

Security Orb x1


EXTRA DECK: 9 Synchros, 0 Fusions

Colossal Fighter x2

Gaia Knight the Force of Earth x2

Red Dragon Archfiend x3

Stardust Dragon x2


And if any of those are Limited or Semi-Limited when I have more copies than that in there, please let me know so that I can rectify that.


The basic main strategy is to spam warriors not with the traditional means, but with a high-speed method involving Inferno Reckless Summon; Marauding Captain, Command Knight, Mataza the Zapper -- all three enjoy IRS very, very much . . . and with Monster Reborn and The Grave of Enkindling, they're both very, very easy to pull off without a hitch. Add in an 'The A. Forces', and things get very ugly for people very fast.


On top of that, it has a Synchro Deck that handles things quite nicely when I'm in a bind -- the Gaia kills Stardusts, the Stardusts saves me grief, the Red Dragon Archfiend provides some extra support, and Colossal . . . turns into a very big beatstick very quickly.


So, tell me what you think of it, and I hope you enjoy(ed) reading up on this design.


EDIT: Followed Judgement Dragon's advice and further itemized my Deck for easy viewing, and learned that interestingly enough it has an equal amount of Spell and Trap cards. I actually didn't notice that while making the deck.

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Go here if you're unsure whether or not a card is Limited. This is the Ban List.


Anyway, why the lack of Reinforcement of the Army? In here it would be ideal with the stuff you have in here. Being able to search a card out of your Deck is good in any Format so take advantage of it if possible. So would Summoner Monk. Summoner Monk on field + any Spell in your hand is an instant Level 8 Synchro.


Also. Spells and Traps should be listed separately. You should also number how much of each type of card is in the Deck. It helps people rate and fix a lot easier.


And if this is meant to be Traditional, why aren't you using stuff like Call of the Haunted, Graceful Charity, Raigeki, Change of Heart or any other splashables that are banned in the Advanced Format. You should know that any card Forbidden in the Advanced Format is Limited in Traditional.

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Anyway' date=' why the lack of Reinforcement of the Army? In here it would be ideal with the stuff you have in here. Being able to search a card out of your Deck is good in any Format so take advantage of it if possible. So would Summoner Monk. Summoner Monk on field + any Spell in your hand is an instant Level 8 Synchro.



Yeah, but there's a funny story about that -- my Reinforcements are in my Iron Chain Deck that I put together, and I've found that a simple IRS is enough to solve my problems the majority of the time. As for Summoner Monk . . . I have two problems with that. First of all, that requires a Spell on my part to work, and each of my Spells is actually pretty important and/or useful to me . . . and second of all, I only have the Synchros in there as extra bonus/emergency muscle -- the real [intended] muscle is a Mataza the Zapper when I've juiced the field with an IRS'd Command Knight.


Also. Spells and Traps should be listed separately. You should also number how much of each type of card is in the Deck. It helps people rate and fix a lot easier.


I'll get to fixing that.


And if this is meant to be Traditional' date=' why aren't you using stuff like Call of the Haunted, Graceful Charity, Raigeki, Change of Heart or any other splashables that are banned in the Advanced Format. You should know that any card Forbidden in the Advanced Format is Limited in Traditional.



The reason I've not done that is because, interestingly enough, I'd assembled the deck on a whim using spare parts from a disassembled Fiend Deck and some Warriors I'd had lying around, and found that it remarkably enough actually worked well enough to play regularly at my high school (including against Fez, our resident tournamentgoing Blackwing abusemonger).

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@ Lrovani: Eh, considering it has SOME banned cards, I'd call it Traditional (Fez complains about it, and that's qualifier enough -- if someone so much as plays a minor banned card, let alone the only banned card in their deck, he has heart palpitations). On top of that, this is a deck that I have built IRL, so I'm not about to junk in several Traditional cards that I don't even have just to keep it in this board.


@ Kiryu: Eh, it may not seem that way on paper, but it's worked wonders in practice. And besides, we all are entitled to our opinions; though, if you please, could you at least take the time to point out what you think 'doesn't work' about it that makes it 'not that great'? Input is highly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still' date=' don't you have raigeki, harpies feather duster, graceful charity etc. If you put in one banned card you might as well make it totally traditional.



I shall say it once again --


On top of that' date=' this is a deck that I have built IRL, so I'm not about to junk in several Traditional cards that I don't even have just to keep it in this board.



-- and clarify: I'm not about to throw a bunch of Traditional cards that I don't have just so that this list will stay up here, because it would be quite unrealistic of me to do so; this is 'my deck of choice', not 'my deck of fancy'.

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  • 4 weeks later...

idk' date=' it seems pretty standard and solid, at least it have an actual theme rather then being some thrown together junk, i like it to be honest


you may want to fix your trap line a little though



Thanks for the complement, though . . . what exactly do you mean by:


you may want to fix your trap line a little though




If there's a way I can make this deck better' date=' then I'd like to hear it . . .


. . . but please, and this is to everyone, no more cries for Raigeki and Harpie's -- I understand that they're powerful (it's why they're banned, after all), but I don't have them nor do I ever intend to get them (not that I even [i']can[/i]). However, any OTHER suggestions will be put to some serious consideration.

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