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kamikaze // Format: 2009.03.01 ADV // Last Update: 2009.05.17


main: 20.14.06

  • 2 Dark Simorgh
    3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
    2 Raiza the Storm Monarch
    3 Battlestorm
    3 Harpie Lady 1
    2 Harpie Queen
    3 Soldier of the Mist Valley
    2 Summoner Monk
    2 Allure of Darkness
    1 Brain Control
    2 Elegant Egotist
    2 Harpie’s Hunting Ground
    1 Heavy Storm
    2 Instant Fusion
    1 Monster Reborn
    1 Mystical Space Typhoon
    3 Swallow’s Nest
    2 Hysteric Party
    2 Icarus Attack
    1 Mirror Force
    1 Torrential Tribute

extra: 15

  • 1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
    2 Flame Ghost
    1 Mavelus
    1 Black Rose Dragon
    2 Dark Strike Fighter
    1 Colossal Fighter
    1 Goyo Guardian
    1 Psychic Lifetrancer
    1 Red Dragon Archfiend
    2 Stardust Dragon
    2 Thought Ruler Archfiend

side: 07.00.08

  • 3 Brain Golem
    2 Divine Fowl King Alector
    2 Trap Eater
    3 Bottomless Trap Hole
    2 Light Imprisoning Mirror
    3 Threatening Roar


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-1 Icarus Attack

+1 Torrential Tribute






I don't want to lose field advantage.


I have a bad history using Torrential; it's never helped' date=' ever.


Icarus can hit anything, Torrential only hits monsters.


On average, Torrential wouldn't work out beyond a +0 anyway.



valid points, but with with Icarus you still need a monster to tribute, TT you can just nuke when needed, mosty when the person you're playing over extends

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Torrential > Icarus


Torrential can save you in a heap of situations, icarus can only save you when you have a wind monster, if TT backfires on you, your not playing it correctly.


Otherwise, the deck seems consistent and solid. Well done.

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Torrential > Icarus


Torrential can save you in a heap of situations' date=' icarus can only save you when you have a wind monster, if TT backfires on you, your not playing it correctly.


Otherwise, the deck seems consistent and solid. Well done.



^ this

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TT has been useless in every deck I've ever ran; no.


Then you used it wrong and its still better than icarus' date=' but hey its your deck after all.


This and....



maybe side three mirrors?

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TT has been useless in every deck I've ever ran; no.


Then you used it wrong and its still better than icarus' date=' but hey its your deck after all.


This and....



maybe side three mirrors?


Which mirrors?

light and possibly shadow but it not common.

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back to Icarus vs Torrental, torrental is an awesome card don't get me wrong i run it in 3 of my decks


but Icarus can target both monsters and spell/trap cards, plus torrental is only limited to 1, attack is unlimited so by running it at 3 you can take out a total of 6 of ur opponents cards, torrental is 5 at the most, plus ur monsters as well so torrental has a negative effect in losing all ur monsters as well, attack only takes 1 monster so that's not as bad


in my opinion stick with attack, side deck torrental though, depending on which deck u face u may need it

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back to Icarus vs Torrental' date=' torrental is an awesome card don't get me wrong i run it in 3 of my decks


but Icarus can target both monsters and spell/trap cards, plus torrental is only limited to 1, attack is unlimited so by running it at 3 you can take out a total of 6 of ur opponents cards, torrental is 5 at the most, plus ur monsters as well so torrental has a negative effect in losing all ur monsters as well, attack only takes 1 monster so that's not as bad


in my opinion stick with attack, side deck torrental though, depending on which deck u face u may need it




All your points are valid but icarus is a dead card unless you have a monster to tribute, while tt can be the only card on your side and you can nuke your opp. if they summon a monster

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but harpies are good for swarming (trust me i use them as a tournament deck) i know not all of his monsters are winged beasts' date=' but icarus is more effective in this deck in my eyes


but overall torrental is better i know that



The only monsters in here that aren't Winged-Beast are Summoner Monk and Caius.


Icarus is more than well-justified.

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You could add Anti-Spell Fragnance' date=' just to be an ass if you have Simorgh out.


But Anti-Spell can cripple yourself aswell.


Whatever fits you I guess.



The theme of the deck isn't to lock down, but rather to swarm.


Anti-Spell Fragrance probably would be just a impediment.

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