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counterbalance // Format: 2009.03.01 ADV // Last Update: 2009.05.07


main: 20.20.00

  • 1 Endymion, the Master Magician
    1 Chaos Sorcerer
    3 Dark Red Enchanter
    1 Magical Marionette
    2 Apprentice Magician
    1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
    2 Crystal Seer
    2 Frequency Magician
    2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
    2 Magical Exemplar
    1 Night’s End Sorcerer
    2 Old Vindictive Magician
    1 Toon Gemini Elf
    2 Allure of Darkness
    1 Brain Control
    2 Foolish Burial
    1 Heavy Storm
    2 Instant Fusion
    3 Magical Citadel of Endymion
    1 Monster Reborn
    1 Mystical Space Typhoon
    3 Spell Power Grasp
    1 Terraforming
    3 Toon Table of Contents

extra: 15

  • 1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
    1 Kamionwizard
    2 Musician King
    2 Arcanite Magician
    1 Colossal Fighter
    1 Dark Strike Fighter
    1 Goyo Guardian
    1 Magical Android
    1 Psychic Lifetrancer
    1 Red Dragon Archfiend
    1 Stardust Dragon
    1 Tempest Magician
    1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

side: 05.02.08

  • 3 Brain Golem
    2 Trap Eater
    2 Nobleman of Extermination
    3 Bottomless Trap Hole
    2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
    3 Threatening Roar


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defender isnt terrible, hes also strong and light.

in that case

same subtractions

+1 kycoo

+1 exemplar

+1 apprentice

+1 mandragola


apprentice can be normalled to add a spell counter. tributed for something big in the same turn if its a flip summon or special summon. that sheet adds up, ive seen it in action.

furthermore, him being able to search your deck for the most necessary cards in it: the tuners and such, is not a bad idea. i dont see how it slows it down or makes it less efficient.


mandy is a beast too.

but if you dont like him either, keep the +1 apprentice as reason to add mandy to the marionette count. or the enchanter one.

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she probably just got unbanned and posted the decks shes made in the mean time.

(i heard she was banned?)








- Gemini


+ Toon Gemini?


That was a typo' date=' thanks for catching it.


defender isnt terrible, hes also strong and light.

in that case

same subtractions

+1 kycoo

+1 exemplar

+1 apprentice

+1 mandragola


apprentice can be normalled to add a spell counter. tributed for something big in the same turn if its a flip summon or special summon. that s*** adds up, ive seen it in action.

furthermore, him being able to search your deck for the most necessary cards in it: the tuners and such, is not a bad idea. i dont see how it slows it down or makes it less efficient.


mandy is a beast too.

but if you dont like him either, keep the +1 apprentice as reason to add mandy to the marionette count. or the enchanter one.


Kycoo usually never hits the field; two is enough as is.


Exemplar is fine at two.


Searching your tuners is the most retarded thing you can do with Apprentice. Period.


Waste of space.

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Guest PikaPerson01

- Random Jank


+ Crush Card


You have about 4 easily searchable targets for it, as well as the means to revive them easily enough. If you think you can spare dropping a Spellcaster Fusion for a random 1000 Dark Fusion monster, you've got 5 easy targets.

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- Random Jank


+ Crush Card


You have about 4 easily searchable targets for it' date=' as well as the means to revive them easily enough. If you think you can spare dropping a Spellcaster Fusion for a random 1000 Dark Fusion monster, you've got 5 easy targets.



I don't own a CCV.


Is this a real life deck? It would be good to know when you post something new.


This is my real deck; I would play Kamikaze or Dihydrogen Monoxide if I were played OCG cards though.


-red dark enchanter


+magicians circle

+hidden book of spell(just in case)


DRE is good, and with my limited targets, another Apprentice is unnecessary.


Magician's Circle is ridiculously slow and impractical, rather counterintuitive to the deck, actually.


Hidden Book is just retarded, honestly.

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- Random Jank


+ Crush Card


You have about 4 easily searchable targets for it' date=' as well as the means to revive them easily enough. If you think you can spare dropping a Spellcaster Fusion for a random 1000 Dark Fusion monster, you've got 5 easy targets.



I don't own a CCV.


Is this a real life deck? It would be good to know when you post something new.


This is my real deck; I would play Kamikaze or Dihydrogen Monoxide if I were played OCG cards though.


-red dark enchanter


+magicians circle

+hidden book of spell(just in case)


DRE is good' date=' and with my limited targets, another Apprentice is unnecessary.


Magician's Circle is ridiculously slow and impractical, rather counterintuitive to the deck, actually.


Hidden Book is just retarded, honestly.



actualy Hidden Book is usefull in a rotation combo but you dont have the cards for it so what ever, and i was only sugesting taking 1 RDE out

as for the rest there were only sugetions so idk

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Guest PikaPerson01

- Random Jank


+ Crush Card


You have about 4 easily searchable targets for it' date=' as well as the means to revive them easily enough. If you think you can spare dropping a Spellcaster Fusion for a random 1000 Dark Fusion monster, you've got 5 easy targets.



I don't own a CCV.


Oh, it's an IRL deck. I've never been a fan of rate/fixing them. This post is just a free bump I guess.

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- Random Jank


+ Crush Card


You have about 4 easily searchable targets for it' date=' as well as the means to revive them easily enough. If you think you can spare dropping a Spellcaster Fusion for a random 1000 Dark Fusion monster, you've got 5 easy targets.



I don't own a CCV.


Oh, it's an IRL deck. I've never been a fan of rate/fixing them. This post is just a free bump I guess.


kthnxbby ;D

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