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I don't support in that case


There are buttons like space-bad and page down which make scrolling much easier,if your really that lazy that you can't skip over the quotes then it's your problem,not the other 1/2+ of YCM


Not a lot of people usually get Pyramids over 5 quotes unless in PMs,by the time it gets to 5 or less,they break the pyramid or stop quoting


And giving warnings for making a quote pyramid is pretty stupid for something so small,the biggest quote pyramid i ever saw was that rickroll thread one that got locked because 2 people made a big pyramid of over 20 quotes and it got locked and i think they got warned for that

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Guest Fake Apology

That's the point, will the topic be under control, or will the Quote Pyramids 'take over'? Would moderators be enough responsible to keep a thread free of QPyramids, or not? Dunno. Anyway, it's not THAT important, I think.

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