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Summon Limit [DISC]

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It's barely useful. Only use I see besides stopping swarm decks is to slow down Gadget decks that use Ultimate Offering.


Why, yes. Because an anti-swarm card is obviously best used against a Gadget deck, and we don't already have everything from Dust Tornado to Trap Eater already countering Ultimate Offering just fine.

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Bad oppression substitute for siding against Gladiators' date=' nothing more.



Bad? Why bad?

It's less effective, yes, but it can easily be splashed in about any deck.


However, there are cards that do this card's job better in the case of siding against Gladiator Beasts, namely Deck Lock and Mirror of Oaths.



You activate this card. Opponent summons Lyla. And pop' date=' goes the card.



You activate any card. Opponent activates Solemn Judgment. And pop, goes any card.

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I don't see it being useful because I haven't ever battled people with decks of summoning lots of cards.


Then you haven't been dueling meta decks or simply any good decks.

Correct. My friends just put it some cards they think are cool and then use it.


*facepalm* Now try looking at it while looking at the top decks.

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