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Pokemon Corruption |Started Accepting by Via PM!|


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OoC: What are the cities in Vantith

Roze: Front hedge. It's been so long.

A tear falls from her eye. Her Torterra nuzzles her arm.

Roze: Thanks Torterra. I'm back.

She ran to her house with memories flooding her head. She saw a kid run into a breeder. She went up to him to meet him.

Roze: Hey what's your name...

Then Roze recognized the kids face.

Roze: Haru!?

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Michael: "Nice to meet you! This is Riolu,"


Riolu: simply waved his paw


Michael: "Salamence,"


Salamence: He roared


Michael: "Weavile,"


Weavile: "Weea!"


Michael: "And last but not least, Dragonite"


Dragonite: roars


Michael: "Arcanine,"


Arcanine: He roars


Michael: "And Umbreon"


Umbreon: He runs in a circle

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Haille let her Pokemon out. "These guys are Spheal, Cloyster, Froslass, and my newest ice Pokemon, Glaceon. They don't mind being inside their Pokeballs, but Delibird does." Delibird hooted in agreement.


OoC: jeroukoo, I just realised I made a mistake in my app, I meant Vanquisher not Chaos

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