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Otaclub RP! (Only Otaku Club members allowed)


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Mai Had gotten to Pinna Park, Cannons started to Aim at Mai, When another Force Trampled all the Cannons that Aimed at her, Which Turns out to be another Demon, Being in too Much pain, Mai ignored it and went into Pinna Park, As she went in, The Pain in her foot became Tolerable, So she started walking, After a Minute or 2 of Walking around the Park, She had ran into Laharl, But then Her foot started to hurt again......

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Alucard looked at the young messenger of the Great Unknown. He found it strange that such a little and fragile girl could be the messenger for someone with so much power. There was only one way to find out how much strenght she truly possessed, but now was not the time. He would, however, at some point of time, like to test his power against that of the Great Unknown.


He looked at the lot he was left with. A strange bunch, although he thought he got the worse team. He walked toward them and bared his fangs. He took a stance in front of them and decided to figure out who of them was the strongest.


"I see no reason to go around the matter, so, I'm dying to know which one of you is the strongest?"


After having addressed them with that question, he pulled down his glasses and used his vampiric powers to see where this beach was.

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Kissu bowed. "Alucard was it?" He addressed the red clad figure. "I'd have to say it is Allen. At least, I believe so." He pointed to Allen standing subpar to his left. "Althouh I am sure we all have our own skills." He traced his eyes back to Conan. He straightened up.


"So then... do you know where we should go then?"

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At Pinna Park, the park was suprisingly barren. Although many of the rides were operating, there was no one in sight. Then from behind the pirate ship, an old brown Noki hobbled out waving his cane at the team.

"HEY! The park is closed! You riff-raff get out of here or I'll call the authorities!" he shouted angrily while waving his cane.


|- Look at my new OoC! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'll also try to get SCM and Lawliet back here. They seemed to have forgotten about this RP. -|

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

((Noki? I am not too caught up on otaku... The only thing I am otaku for (and these are mainstream anyway) are Death Note and Chibi Vampire/Karin))

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

((Yes... I am... Oh, well))


L walks along and gets to Pinna Park, but is seen by a strange creature. "Who or what are you?" he said to the strange giant snail creature. After a few seconds of no response, he started to walk away, only to be stopped by his intrigue by he creature. He thought out loud, "I wonder how a creature like that came to be at all..."

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" HOW THE HELL DO WE FIND CLUES IN AN AMMUSMENT PARK!" he said as he arrived "i mean it's not like anything wired goes on here is it???" he walked along the path and saw a weird snail thing "what are you?" he hit him on the head with a Cane he was tempted to shoot him but he couldnt find anything so he settled for punching him "owch" the thing replied " well thats what you get for hitting me!" - he paused "do you know who i am" he continued the both looked at each other blankly

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Mai was Limping a Bit due to the Pain, when to make matters worse, a Noki was telling her to Get out, but she simply continued Limping, Until Another Mysterious Force decided to Mess with things again, Which Mai was Prepared, She Charged at the Force, Slashing Wildly Exposing to her that it was another Demon, She Stabbed it, which created a blue flash, and Lifted it in the Air and Slammed it on the ground, unfortunately, Guster and the Noki was a witness to this

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Laharl walked to the entrance of Pinna Park, Yoshi slightly limping behind him. Suddenly an old Noki walked up to him. "The park's closed! Now GTFO my lawn, you crazy kids!"


Laharl grabbed him by the head. "Never order me around, old man! I am the great Overlord Laharl, so don't screw with me unless you wish your death to be slow and painful!" Laharl tossed the Noki over at a spinning thing with some shells on it. He landed on a shell, and then it closed on him, trapping the Noki inside. "Now that that's out of the way, I guess I better start doing some sheet, I don't want to be here forever."

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Despite the old Noki's protests, he was thrown in a seat in the Shell-go-round. He shook the seat, unable to open the top.


As the Noki was trapped in the Shell-go-round, a Pianta was hiding on a high cliff at the edge of the park, unknown to the heroes. He was spying on them with a pair of binoculars wearing a camo outfit.

"Boss, we got some people down at the park. They look mighty suspicious I reckon. What should I do?" the Pianta whispered into his cuff-com.

"Hold your position and activate the defences." replied the voice. The Pianta got out a control and pressed the single red button on it. A cage blocked off the entrance and covered the top of the park. All the rides went to a complete stop, cut from their power.

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"what the hell is this, a death park is more like it" he ran around the park looking for an escape but with little luck he found no escape but he did find a weird button on the fountain he pressed it and coins went flying all over the place his jaw dropped he ran for as much of the money as he could before anyone could see " this is all mine idc what anyone says, unless they want a taste of my grenades"


OoC: its like in Mario sunshine when ur in the fountain in the park all the coins pop up

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<(^.^<) This is my new OOC. Also, I threw him. Laharl is so violent. (>^.^)>


Laharl saw the park being locked down, Yoshi cowering behind him. "What the hell is this? Yoshi, you better stand back." Laharl began charging an orb of dark energy, which went from Rasengan-sized to Spirit Bomb-sized. He blasted it at the top cage. "Overlord's Wrath!!!" It blew open the cage, spewing shrapnel everywhere. Laharl dusted his hands. "Problem solved." He turned around to notice his Yoshi fainted. Laharl face palmed himself.

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Hibari waited for the being, but with no avail he couldn't find him. Afterwards, he decided to go to the park, even though he ignored the first time he was told. Before he even went through the entrance, a gigantic cage fell down.


"What the hell?" Hibari flinched when he made the remark. "What is going on right now?" Looking around, he saw a walking object made out of paper maché. Hibari saw the top of the cage light up. He also heard a screeching sound. Probably the annoying dinosaur fainted.


"Either something happened with the object or the others got out." Sitting down, he decided to wait. He placed his tonfu in his lap, waiting for something interesting to happen.


He saw the object running toward him. Luckily, the now obvious piñata could fit through the holes. Grabbing his tonfu, he cut the screaming animal in half.


"Yeah, this could get worse."

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Unfortunately for them, The Fight between Mai and The Demon couldn't be contained in such a Flimsy Cage, The Demon Charged at Mai, Which actually Ripped open The Cage in her area, M then knew that the Sprite Thief was around here somewhere, Then Mai Investigated Some of the Park, Just to find Guster Enjoying the Fountain of Coins, Then She Finds Laharl Tending to an Unconscious Yoshi, Then she finds Hibari Fighting Paper Mache Monsters

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{OoC: There was one and I killed it. Candy for me!}


"Tch...this is annoying. I need to destroy the heart of the undisciplined." Deciding, he chose to go in the cage. The bars were wide enough for someone to fit through. Looking around, he was checking each and every thing.


After 30 minutes, he found a ball of glowing darkness. Looking carefully, he saw someone in chains. What is this? Hibari struck the ball of darkness. Suddenly, the whole area had a gigantic earthquake.


An earth orb. He knew about it during his searching. It was in a paper, saying, "IF THOU STRUCKTHS THE EARTHNTH ORBTH, THE PAINTH IT RECIEVESTH WILL INFLICTH IT TO THE WORLDTH IT IS INTH."


Hibari ignored the warning for two things. For one, he didn't find any orb. And the other is that he couldn't understand why there is "TH" on the ends of most of the words. Apparently, Hibari couldn't read english and even though he knew it a little, he didn't understand medieval language.

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"Dang...Even the pinata didn't get them."

The Pianta (ooc: note the difference. Pinata is a paper mache object, Pianta is a person.) pressed another button that transformed his tie into a helicopter. He flew away, heading in the direction of Corona Mountain.


The old Noki managed to break out of the shell in which he was imprisoned in. As soon as he got out, ready to give the heroes a good tongue-lashing, he saw his park full of destroyed cage and shrapnel. All of the rides were demolished, except the pirate ship, which then promptly fell off its axle and into the pool below.


"MY PARK!!! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!" The Nokie then grabbed his chest and started to convulse.


|- The dude is having a stroke. Save him and he'll give info. Also, guys heading for the hotel, WHERE ARE YOU???? Start RPing!!! -|

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Mai was simply walking and looking around when she saw the Noki having a Stroke, She ran up to it and wondered what she could do, but Guilt overflowed her a little and she Started crying, She was remembering what happened in the Past, Her Mother nearly Died, But she had Cried on her mother's Arm and for some reason Her mother felt fine, but she was terrorized afterwards of being a freak, Some of her Tears had hit the Noki on the Arm, and the Noki was Recovering from the stroke......


(> Yep, Mai is actually able to cry on others to heal them, In the Anime, She is actually capable of Bringing whoever she cried on back to life, but in this RP, She will be Restricted a bit, oh, and the memory she had was an actual one <)

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The Noki calmed down from his spasms. He slowly got up and grabbed his cane.

"Thank you! I felt like I was really done for! Thank you lass! I don't know how you did that, but now that you did, I feel like im 20 again!" The Noki cried enthusiastically as he jumped and clicked his heels in the air.

"Please please all of you! Come to my house so we can dicuss why you young'uns are here for." He gestured towards a small house on the side of the park that was miraculously still untouched by the shrapnel from Laharl's magic blast.

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