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Otaclub RP! (Only Otaku Club members allowed)


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Alucard noticed the little runt staring at him. He didn't think much of him. Then all of the sudden that little guy starting insulting him. He found those insults insignificant. To him it showed weakness to insult someone so bluntly.


"Such feeble attempts at intimidation" He stated as he turned to the young man. Although his eyes could not be seen because of the sunglasses, it was apparent to everyone that his focus was on Hibari. He noticed that his hands had started to glow red. Then there was nothing for a few seconds.


"What are you waiting for? Strike me down, show me the power you possess, show me you're worthy of my presence!"


Alucard waited for Hibari to make his move. He knew he wouldn't have to wait long, since Hibari started with his attempts to intimitade him.

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OoC: Yes Mirage' date=' we're in Delfino City, if you haven't played Super Mario Sunshine, which I assumed that everyone played.



Okay then that is fine.


Allen capped his bottle and placed it back into his bag. He finally got up remaining under the tall tree. "Well I wonder if I can find the place?" Allen ran from under the tree toward to the road. As he ran he went through several puddles with water going everywhere.


"Crap I hope I can get there soon." Continuing to run through the cold rain he made it until he got under a bridge. He was completely damp with the rain continuing to poor. "Come on not the best day I had.

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((Unless I get a crative spark' date=' I don't have much to say in an RP... Please deal with my short posts until then, unless you wanna be a muse for me...))


"I will, but I am not sure about these other people... Will anyone help this man? This seems like just the case for me... And why call on a child? *while looking at Conan*"



OOC: I'm just like that too Lawlet, so... I'll just try to stretch posts out...


"Why call on a child!? Do you even know who you're talking to!? I'm the great detective Jim- Uh, I mean Conan Edogawa! Think about it, who is scared of a child, no one, that's the point!" He took pure offence at that comment and didn't have good impresions of the other detective.

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Alucard heard the explosion but didn't move an inch. He crossed his hands and lowered his hat so that he could get some rest. The others looked at him with a confused look upon their face. No wonder though, a giant monster had just appeared and he was just standing there. He was thinking about what the Great Unknown had said. The events that happened must have been caused by a very powerful entity.


He slowly lifted his head and smirked at the others. "You take care of this one. He's not worth my time."


He looked at his surroundings and was pretty calm despite the circumstances. He looked forward to meeting the being he thought was behind this.


"What a beautiful night." he thought as he looked upon the night sky. "This might become interesting if I stay a while."

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With his left eye it turned into a strange gear lens, when it came deep pain came to Allen. "Crap why of all times?" Allen was on the damp ground in sever pain, forcing himself to get up. He walked woozily over to the area of the giant monster.


The monster was coming up, Allen still he pain. "Why is it here? Innocence Activate." The blood red arm started to glow green with all of its luminosity. It turned into a bonish looking claw, bigger then it was before.

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Baring with the intolerable pain Allen continuing to push forward. "I need to get there, Innocence Transform." The bone like claw transforms into a hollow like cannon. "I think I can make it from this distance." Allen stopped standing in the middle of the road.


He kept loosing balance looking at the beast. "I got only a few good shots." Allen get to his balance for a moment raising his left arm straight at the creature. "Fire" Several orange bolts came from the hollow like cannon straight at the monster.


Allen started to running as he started to jump from building to building getting closer to the top of the building. After a bit he jumped up high and landed on the roof top. "Okay maybe I can get closer.

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"Transform" The bone arm starts to morph again into the claw. Allen started move as the pain from his left eye started to settle down. "Great now I can move again, I can focus on the monster. I wonder how long I got before the pain comes again." For a quick dash Allen got to the edge of the room and jumped to another roof top that was closer to the beast.


Allen continuing jumping from top to top of building. Raising his left arm he threw his arm toward the beast as it extends. The extend arm increases speed heading straight toward the beast. Forcing it to loose balance, but the strike wasn't strong enough. "Crap what is with this beast?"

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OoC: I would have used a monster that fits this particular area, like Baby Bowser mech or something.

IC: The Great Unknown saw the monster.

"NO! Back to your cage Bessie! Bad Bessie!" he shouted at the monster. It lowered its head, opened another portal and it enter, closing the portal behind it.

"Sorry about that people. Bessie tends to get out of her cage once in a while."

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Guster threw a Grenade, just as the monster went into the portal, it hit a near by house and it topled over. "uhhh ops do-do i have to pay for that?", straightening his lab coat as he continued " you should be keeping better care of that thing man" he glanced over to the Great unknown. "Just to tell you after this is over i want some kind of money reward!" --- " You got it?" he walked closer to the Great Unknown.


OoC: like that?

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"Of course. All of you will be rewarded in the most appropriate way to you." said The Great Unknown. He waved his hand and another portal opened.

"Unfortunatly, I myself will not be able to join you. I have other errands of equal importance to attend to. I will send a messenger to give you direction soon."

He then walked into the portal that closed behind him, leaving the team to themselves.


OoC: Now, its the time for you characters to interact, form bonds or rivalries and such. Try not to move to much, stay within the city so I can keep track of the plot and move it in the appropriate direction. The city has a bazaar, which you could screw around in, but remember that the entire island has no power.

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"You have a pet monster? Really, where do you get them?" He was caught off guard when he found out that the being had a pet. Apparently, Hibari finally decided that the monster was a female, ever since the creator named it "Bessie"'. He was also found out that even though you cannot climb it, it can stay in a cage. "Now...on to the point. What is our job?"

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Allen felt the pain as his left eye returned back to normal. He fell on his knees, the rain finally stopped with the sun coming. Remaining on the ground from the relief of pain, he looks up straight up. "Well what was that annoying creature, my eye doesn't normally transform like that."

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OoC: Forlorn, your character can't of followed my character.

IC: A few minutes after the Great Unknown left, the people came back to the square. Most had the countenance of New Yorkers, going on with their business as if nothing had changed. A few looked at the newcomers with interested faces, but only slightly and for a few seconds. Then, another portal opened up above, and a girl fell out and landed face first on the ground. She was wearing a black lolita dress patterned with a repeating question mark pattern in black and white. She got up slowly and dusted herself off.

"Eheheh...I haven't got the hang of this dimensional travel thing yet. Hello! I'm Kumiko and I'm the apprentice of The Great Unknown! Glad to make your aquaintance!"

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Standing up as he recovered his strength still a little woozy. He maintained his balance just enough to allow to stand. Allen walk woozily to the edge of the building as he jumped off heading straight to the ground. He landed on the ground with little easy. "Well that was strange, seems like the people started return. That is a good thing."


Allen smiled from the site of many people. "Well time to get some rest." Allen got up and walked toward the left heading toward central square.

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OOC: Fine then, I gotta make a new starting post... Also, I am guessing Delfino Plaza is exactly like it is in Super Mario Sunshine?


Laharl walked through the town square. "Well, whoever this Great Unkown guy is, he better have a good reason for dragging me here to this place. This reward better be good, or I'm killing someone." Laharl flew to the top of the pianta statue in the square. He looked around the town from his high view point. "I don't even know what the hell this 'Shine Sprite' is that I'm looking for!"


Suddenly he noticed an egg on the roof of a building. He flew over to the building to inspect it. "What is this? That's a strange looking egg." Laharl poked it, but nothing happened. He tried kicking it, and then it rolled off the roof, crashing to the ground, to reveal a Yoshi. "Is that some kind of dinosaur? What the hell kind of creatures live in this world?" He jumped off the roof and landed next to the Yoshi.


The Yoshi got up and looked at Laharl. It licked him on the face. "Yoshi, Yoshi!"


"Agh! What the-" Laharl's sentence was cut off as the Yoshi licked his face again. Laharl grabbed its tounge as it tried a third time. "Stop that! Unless you can help me find a Shine Sprite, leave me alone!" Laharl walked away, but the Yoshi followed him. "Go away!" Laharl flew away, the Yoshi still chasing him.


OOC: I hope introducing the Yoshi is okay, I just wanted Laharl to have a Yoshi.

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