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Design your own story


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Here is how this will work: I will start off writing something, and then give 3 choices (a, b, and c) on what will happen next. Then, the next person will choose 1 of the selections, and write a little bit more, and also provide 3 choices for what will happen next. It can be silly, serious, or just plain weird, all you need to do is continue the story!

Ok, I shall start:


You are on your computer during an electrical storm. Suddenly, the power goes out, and someone knocks you out cold and stuffs you in a bag. When you wake up, you are in a dark room, tied to a chair, and a light shining down on you. Then, a dark shadow comes and stands about 10 feet away from where you are sitting. You cannot see his/her face, and you continue staring. Then, he/she starts walking towards you again, this time pulling out something shiny... a knife. What do you do?


a.) Scream

b.) Use your awesome ninja skills and bust free from the chair

c.) Let him/her come closer... with that big... knife...

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I look closer and see it was Ronald McDonald. He had been trying to overtake the world by turning everyone into hamburgers, along with The King(From Burger King) and Wendy (from Wendy's). I now knew what I had to do. I had to:


a.) Try and stop these fast-food peoples

b.) Go home

c.) Go to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac

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I had to go home. I had a lot of homeworks to do for tomorrow. When I`ve finished doing them, I looked out of the window and was totally shocked! I saw:


a)An old man licking a green banana while his brother was playing the guitar

b)a hamburger spitting on a cardigan

c)little girls kicking and beating a heavy muscular mean for stealing his money $$$.

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I grabbed my sword and some shuriken, which I found when I killed Naruto. I went out and cut the burger into pieces. But suddenly, there:


a) was a red rain coming.


b) fell a fashion victim with one eye from the sky


c) was a big cardigan monster that wanted me to feel its wrath because it thought I was the spitter.

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I had to fight Michael Jackson! With his uber-dance moves he was totally invincible and jknocked my out. He just wanted to kill me, when:



a) His nose fell off, so he lost concentration and I could kill him.


b) A trampoline appeared and with it`s help I could jump into a safe area.


c) a big cardigan monster that wanted me to feel its wrath because it thought I was the spitter appeared.

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His nose fell off, so he lost concentration and I could kill him.But then the fast food people became angry and went after me.But then...


a)Slow food people came to my rescue.

b)An uber CD-UFO from mars abducted me.

c)My ex-girlfriend chuck norris'd me

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But my ex-gf chuck norris`d me. Everytime shes doing this, I gain super power! So I defeat all the enemies (except the boss) and...


a) fart in the worst way possible!


b) eat tons of onions


c) a big cardigan monster that wanted me to feel its wrath because it thought I was the spitter appeared.

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When Spiderman took my pain, so he died instead. I was happy that I lived, but:


a) The bad boss still has to be defeated.


b) My granny has a birthday party today and I don`t have a present.


c) Micheal Jackson destroyed my bal*z and I lost my right ear.

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I give her Micheals nose. As she`s seeing that I defeated him and got his nose, she takes of the hood (which actually looked like a human face) and I see that she`s the bad boss.I decide to..


a) fight her in a cool battle


b) run away


c) fight the giant cardigan monster

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I call the cops. Too bad they are zombies too... so I grab my rocket launcher and blast them all away, then...


a.) The slow food peoples attack because I am still the burger king

b.) The fast food peoples help me because they think I am the burger king

c.) I go into an abandoned mine shaft that happens to be right next to me

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