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Kitty OTK! Attack of the Little Beasts...

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Monsters: (17)

2x Rescue Cat

3x Des Wombat

3x Gyaku-Gire Panda

3x Milus Radiant

3x Tree Otter

2x Giant Rat

1x Sangan


Spells: (14)

2x Cold Wave

1x Reload

1x Brain Control

1x Level Limit - Area B

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Monster Reborn

1x Trunade

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x United we Stand

3x Axe of Despair


Traps: (9)

3x Threatening Roar

2x Graceful Revival

3x Magic Drain

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Gravity Bind


Kinda tough, but fun :]

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OR, why not try the BETTER Kitty OTK, in which you have Summon Priest with 2 Spells in your hand and a field clear of monsters and harmable S/Ts.


Summon Summon Priest (and, no, I will not call it by it's stupid 'proper' name) and discard a Spell to SS another Summon Priest. Discard another Spell and SS a Rescue Cat. Tribute Cat and get 2 X-Saber Airbellums. Synchro into 2 Dark Strike Fighters. Attack, Main Phase 2 Tribute themselves for win.


Also, Solemns please.

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Here I am.


No Summon Preist.


Bad Cat Targets.


No actual OTK except for Supercharge, which can be done by normal ways anyway.


No X-Saber Airbellum


Otter OTK isn't consistent in this deck especially.


No brain control. (SHOCK HORROR!)


3x Magic Drain? Ewww.


No baboon.


Right now, I am facepalming.




Level Limit?


Cold Wave? - Acceptable, but doesn't work with cat that well.



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Actually' date=' Cold Wave would work with Cat well.

The Deck kinda needs it.

And the Stall is there to, well, Stall.


But, the other things pointed out need to be fixed.



Yes and No.


In this deck, you need equips.


Cold Wave + Equips = Backfire.

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In this deck' date=' you need equips.





Actually, 3 Milus + Wombat/Gyaku can do it on their own. That's not even mentioning Otter. So, I saw it fit to include Cold Wave. The equips are just there if something goes awry.....


And I know that I didn't do the "better" Kitty OTK using Summon Priest, but my reasons are justified.

This is for IRL casual play, so my options were limited. I went for this build because I could actually pull this one off with the cards I have.......

Wombat replacing Airbellum(kind of, just needed a strong lv. 3)

Magic Drain standing in for Solemn.


However, I will add Brain Control, that was my bad >.<

And Reload was filler....couldn't think of anything else...


Thanks for the advice.

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