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Rebuilding the deck

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Phew...at least my mom understood me and decided to help me rebuild the deck. I weirdly got Stardust and its assault mode when I told her about it O______o That was weird.


Anyway, I've decided to start taking steps to rebuild the deck. The target booster packs are (as a basis for the 5D remix of the deck):

Dark Revelation 1-4

Dark Beginning 1+2

Dark Legends

Duelist Genesis

Phantom Darkness

Power of the Duelist

Spellcaster's Command

Premium Pack 2


As a backup, I've decided to pick some online stores just in case I cannot find anyone to get the cards from and the stores around the area don't sell the target packs.


Online Store Considerations:




Anyone else got any online store ideas to help rebuild the deck? If anyone needs to see the deck, I have a deck file that you can download. *is uploading to MediaFire* I will create a revised version for the 5D remix soon and the download link will be posted as well.


Pre-5D version


The only real rules for the 5D remix is that it must include Stardust, Prime Material Dragon, and has some burn. (Is Prime Material Dragon necessary if I have Stardust?)

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but I prefer defensive decks AKA burn decks.


and this is where i proceed to lol.


So? What's wrong with her choice on her favourite deck type?

I <3 Norly Purity decks, even though they are inconsistent and rely on luck-sacking.


One of the best at my tourny made a just-for-fun burn deck, it beat a full prop-build LS. >.>

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but I prefer defensive decks AKA burn decks.


and this is where i proceed to lol.


So? What's wrong with her choice on her favourite deck type?

I <3 Norly Purity decks' date=' even though they are inconsistent and rely on luck-sacking.


One of the best at my tourny made a just-for-fun burn deck, it beat a full prop-build LS. >.>



I reckon any good Deck can beat any great Deck, but only about 1% of the time. There may be ways to shape your bad hands into good ones, but if you can't do that against a good hand of a Deck that is technically worse than yours, you're stuffed.


I've been beaten by people with Decks like Starter Deck Yugi, just coz I haven't drawn aything useful and they've drawn Feral Imp and keep attacking me with it, that's just bad luck.


Also, I've beaten Tele-DAD and Lightsworn and stuff like that with a Deck that is technically worse than that. It's the nature of the game.

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