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[Petition]::OFFICIAL SPAM THREAD::[/Petition]

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[align=center]I learned something yesterday when I got banned. Spamming is fun. Now I know that to the average YCM suck up member, spam is the worst thing in the world and failing at stopping it is the closest thing they will ever get to holding the coveted title of YCMod. Thus, the people who like spamming and the people who don't are in a constant battle over something that could easily be stopped by allowing it in one single thread. Of course it would have to be in games so theres no post count, and if theres no post count, what harm can it do? For those of us who like to ramble, goof off, dick around, however you want to say it, we need a thread that contains it all. In short, we need a topic that is off topic. We need the spam thread.




Arguments made against this- it would be difficult to moderate since it would be so active, and so people could get away with swears, porn, etc. It also wouldn't stop spam.

My response- Its just one thread that could be managed by Glassberry and the Supers. If people are good, they won't abuse this, and good members will report things. Even if it doesn't work, I think its at least worth a try, and since its just a thread, if it fails it can always be locked.




.:All In Favor:.

me! =D



Teen Gohan



Blinded Warrior


Lazer Yoshi


:.Rapidfire:. Angel


.:All Opposed:.

Random Xing



.:King of the Mountain:.




Blood Rose

Hallelujah Haptism



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yesh, it would definitely have to be in games. thnx

No. Spam is pointless' date=' therefore it's a pointless thread.


wow. How single-minded

by that logic, spending your time making yu-gi-oh cards and delving into the importance of OCG and balance is pointless, therefor, its a pointless site.


Not everything is supposed to have a point you know. Like this site, the thread would entertain the people who enjoyed this particular aspect of the internet


very well, added to the opposed list ]:

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Your idea is stupid. Seriously.


On a less active forum like Drift or SXR, a section/thread for spamming is fine, since it can be easily moderated. (And the fact that neither of the sites really care either.)


But on a forum like this that almost always has over a hundred members online at any given time, keeping a thread like that under control would be near impossible.


Basically, any member posting there could get away with almost anything.

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fair enough guys

I guess that the thread could get overactive. but of course, people get away with tons of stuff already, and in more conspicuous and important threads. Still, valid arguments.

also, PM spam is stupid, theres not enough people to see it and its so slow that its no fun ]:

lists updated

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