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People dont like to listen eh?

Centered focal is WRONG!!1!1

Those little gears at the right and left look horrible.(Opacity blend is bad)

Render doesn't blend.

Lighting is quite odd.

No flow/depth.

Nice concept with the hand and the effects tho.

Your choice of colors dont coincide with your render.

This looks boring.

Your effects are meh'ish at best.

The only part I liked was the hand.

The avi is just a crop with crappy boxes.

Read more tuts.

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the render doesn't blend

colors aren't the best you could have chosen. guessing it was to make it pop.


hand is iffy...mainly because of the spot infront of it.


gears are random...look almost like speakers.


focal is still off.


and the lighting is completely off....

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The disks arent on opacity.


I liked the hand thing


the avatar is meant to be cropped with boxes' date=' what else can i do.[/b']


I use like tuts


They look like they had thar opacity lowered ;D


As did I.


Make something better?


It's hard to believe.

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:L lol' date=' i wont use the disks then,[/b']


the disks were set to overlay.


and tut's suck - i just don't bother reading them.


I teach myself.


Alrighty =]


That explains it all D:


Gimp tuts suck.

Get PS and learn something.


You're a bad teacher.

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lol' date=' well I wouldn't mind some really good tut links,[b'] if I have to cheat to make good sigs, then fine.[/b]


It's not cheating.

Think about it like this:

Can you do a test without a pencil or pen?

Can you build a building without supplies?

Can you teach without knowledge?

Can you begin sig making without a tut?


Answer the questions and you'll see my point.

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No' date=' they are obvious ones though,


[b']but you can make a sig with or without a tut, its just better if you do.[/b]



How is it cheating?

Are there some sort of gfx rules that state you cant make a sig using a tut?

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