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Why did you choose your name?


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For My Present Name, Death Whisper is a name of a Revolutionary series of RPs that got a great start, Ryko is simply an Internet Nickname


As for the Future, I plan on Changing my Name to Flandre Scarlet, Why you ask?


Flandre Scarlet, Like Sakuya and Cirno, is a character from a series of danmaku shooting games called Touhou, and is also in a Fighting Game called Mugen, as with many other Anime, Game, and Movie Characters (Including Sakuya, Cirno, and Patchouli)


She is the Vampire in my Sig and My Avie, and She can do many things, Which Includes Spawning a Magic Sword, Flying, and can Destroy practically any Object by Clenching her Fist


She Enjoys Sexually Harassing Sakuya(As already Stated, Who in turn likes to use Hong Meiling as an Occasional Punching Bag), Her Teacher is Patchouli, Her Sister is Remilia, and Due to being Insane and Emotionally Unstable, Is locked in the Basement of her Sister's House

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Guest Star

I've had more names than anyone in YCM history. Over ten, I believe, because I used to be a Mod and Mods used to be able to change their name whenever they wanted to.


I usually always ended up going back to Star, though, because it's a shortened version of my original name, Star*Trainer.


I chose this name because I consider myself a star? Nah, sounds egotistical. I'm not an ego person. I guess I chose it because it seemed to fit.

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My name was the result of a complicated story involving a virus, a hacking, a trap, another trap, impersonation, and several hoaxes. It is far too dramatastic to be stated here without causing the sheer level of drama to warp the time-space continuum, resulting in Tiger returning and leaving forever another seven times.

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My choice was kind of a pun. kinda. i was watching the 1984 GIjoe. and i saw Destro and i was like, dude, this guy is like, the ultimate metalhead (literally) so i said. i wanna make my username this. and ta-da! thats it. no really, thats how it happened.

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Clariex: Claire + X = Clariex. Simple.


Shanoa: It was to go with my Castlevania obsession at the time. She was an awesome character, but almost completely emotionless.


Larxene: My all-time favorite video game character ever. Just cause she's a jabroni.


Yuyuko Saigyouji: Despite the fact that I act more like Larxene on YCM, I only act like that because I can't stand stupid people, and YCM is just full of them which brings out the worst side of me. Yuyuko is more like who I normally am, which is why she's so awesome. She remains completely calm and carefree during almost any situation, while still being able to take everything seriously. Also she's the only character who eats more than I do.

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D.Kefka: I was obsessed with Final Fantasy VI at the time, and when I saw a Youtube user with the name D (Meaning dark).Kefka, I had to name myself that.


Eternal Zodiac: I am and have always been fascinated with the Chinese Zodiac, and occasionally use it for it's original use. I chose the word Eternal because it sounded cool xD.


Freeshooter: Because, I thought Xigbar too plain/boring, and "The Freeshooter" was a 2 word name, and I wanted a one word name, also, Freeshooter sounds cool ^~^.


[insert my favorite Touhou character here] - Because, her ability is similar to what I would choose. Hers is reading the atmosphere, and her personality is somewhat like mine, well in life. I don't know why, but my real life and YCM personalities differentiate greatly. If I had a choice to live anywhere, I would choose where she does, as it is very calming.

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Russian is my favorite language and one of three languages I can read, write, and speak. Plus, I have always loved Red Moons. (My name is pronounced Krasnaya Luna which means Scarlet Moon)



• I breathe with oxygen

• I drink with hydrogen


You drink dihydrogen oxide not hydrogen, but maybe you meant you drink oxygen with hydrogen.

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