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~ [Chidori Tut] Booster Text for GIMP

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[spoiler=Step 1]

Select Arial Bold or NeoSans Heavy for your font.


And Select your color for your text (Avoid Black)


Then write it out as so... (I will be using NeoSans Heavy)


And adjust size...




* Remember All CAPITALS!



[spoiler=Step 2]

Cut your text and then paste it on a transparent layer (DON'T ANCHOR!)


Then Use your Gradient tool and put it on Bilinear and put white as the

primary color, and your color choice as the secondary color.


Then Anchor





[spoiler=Step 3]

Then go to filters > distorts > emboss > Bumpmap


Azimuth: 303.16

Elevation: 67.67

Depth: 1





[spoiler=Step 4]

The go to colors > brightness contrast


Brightness: -1

Contrast: +43




[spoiler=Step 5]

Duplicate your text


Go to colors > Brightness contrast and put them both on 127 twice on your bottom layer.




[spoiler=Step 6]

Then filters > blurs > Gaussian Blur



Horizontal: 16

Vertical: 16



* You can't see the white glow, sorry




Reps Appreciated


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