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soul garden monarch

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18| Monsters


2| Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

3| Caius the Shadow Monarch

2| Raiza the Storm Monarch

1| Gigaplant


1| Dandylion

1| nettles

1| Regenerating Rose (opponent attack, i can sync next turn, they dont i trib for monarch)

3| Lonefire Blossom

2| Lord Poison

1| Botanical Lion

1| Sangan


14| Spells


1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Brain Control

3| Mark of the Rose

1| Soul Exchange

2| Miracle Fertilizer

2| The World Tree

3| Fragrance Storm (or 2 and 1 mst)


8| Traps


3| Bottomless Trap Hole

3| Pollinosis

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Mirror Force


15| Extra Deck


generic blah blah


15| Side Deck


2| Mind Crush - blackwings and ls mainly

2| Royal Oppression - set once im in control

1| Soul Exchange

2| Trap Eater - decrees, oppression, drains

2| Cold Wave

3| Book Of Moon

3| Mirror of Oaths - i hate gbs

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