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Kingdom Hearts - Destruction of Worlds |Not started| Join!|1 more people and it starts

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[spoiler=Plot:](Takes place after Kingdom Hearts 2)
When Xemnas was destroyed, and the hero's returned to thier homes, the true evil was being born. Organization XIII was serving a group known as The Order. Because Organization XIII failed to defeat the Key Bearer, The Order decided to take things into thier own hands. So now all of the worlds are in grave danger. What will you do to stop the threat? Or will you join in the destruction?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Application Form]
Character name:
Race:(Humans, The Order, ANY Disney Race [ex. Skellington, Goofy])
Weapon Name:
Weapon Apperance:
Good or Evil:
[spoiler=My Application Form:]
I will have 2 characters, My main character and also the Leader of The Order.
Username:J-Man The Shadow Lancer
Character name:Vince
Weapon Name: Devistator
Weapon Apperance: Clouds wrapped sword
Good or Evil: Good
Hometown/Homeworld: Traverse Town
Bio:Vince was born in Traverse Town, his parents left him there. He was found by a woman named Aerith (from Kingdom Hearts) who raised him. Becuase he was abanded by his parents he is very quite but a very powerful and couragable person.

I won't be posted the Application of the Order Leader until he is mentioned in the RP. [/spoiler]

No flamming, spamming, (mild swearing, try and keep it clean).
If you are going to be a member of the Order, you must be evil and your name must have an X in it. There is 7 members in the Order so only 6 people can be in the Order (because i'm playing the leader). BUT if all of the Order spots are taken you CAN still be evil.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted List]
Character name:Anya
Race:The Order
Weapon Name:Deaths Hand
[spoiler=Weapon Apperance:][img]http://images.elfwood.com/art/s/e/sentrix/the_god_sword.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Good or Evil:Good
Hometown/Homeworld:Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
Bio:Will be told in story
Username: double_c4
Character Name: Lee Kuriga
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon Name: Destiny Key
Weapon Appearance: [img]http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/3742/185920-keyblade_large.jpg[/img]
Good or Evil: Good
Hometown/Homeworld: Disney Castle
Bio: Lee is, what is said to be, Sora's third part of him. Queen Minnie sent Lee to find Sora, join forces with him and [i]his[/i] allies and destroy the Order.
RPExample: ?????[/spoiler]
The Order
(3/4 Nobody, 1/4 Human
Castle Oblivion
Ace Was A Human, Traped In A Dragoon Nobidies Body, Evently They Fused Together, Making Dragonir. Ace Was A Keyblade Wielder, And Still Is; Dispite The Fact He Has No Hands, He Can Control His 3 Keyblades Telepathicly. Also Still Able To Use Magic, He Can Combing His Magic Attacks With Keyblade Strikes To Deal Leathal Damage.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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Username: double_c4

Character Name: Lee Kuriga

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human




Weapon Name: Destiny Key

Weapon Appearance: 185920-keyblade_large.jpg

Good or Evil: Good

Hometown/Homeworld: Disney Castle

Bio: Lee is, what is said to be, Sora's third part of him. Queen Minnie sent Lee to find Sora, join forces with him and his allies and destroy the Order.

RPExample: ?????

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The Order
(3/4 Nobody, 1/4 Human
Castle Oblivion
Ace Was A Human, Traped In A Dragoon Nobidies Body, Evently They Fused Together, Making Dragonir. Ace Was A Keyblade Wielder, And Still Is; Dispite The Fact He Has No Hands, He Can Control His 3 Keyblades Telepathicly. Also Still Able To Use Magic, He Can Combing His Magic Attacks With Keyblade Strikes To Deal Leathal Damage.
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Username:Shadow Mir

Character name:Dainthertz, Vincent



Race: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Heartless


Weapon Name:LureBreaker

Weapon Apperance:Lurebreaker.jpg

Good or Evil: Evil

Hometown/Homeworld:Twilight Town

Bio:A young man who mainly keeps to himself during huge battles. His three sisters were killed by Keybladers, and he's gone out into the world to find them and kill them.


RPExample:Vincent stalked the lone Keyblader through the shadows. "What an easy meal..." Vincent slowly unsheathed his Keyblade. He went into disguise, looking exactly like a Keyblader. "What are you doing out here?" The Keyblader turned around. "Who's there??? Oh, it's just you, Sora. For a minute there I thought you were a..." Vincent slashed the Keyblader across his chest. "And that's how you win....at everything." Vincent sucked the Keybladers soul into LureBreaker. "Hehe..."

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