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six samuria on power thirst

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24| Monsters

3| Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3| Great Shogun Shien
3| The Six Samurai - Zanji
3| The Six Samurai - Irou
1| Hand of the Six Samurai

1| Rose, Warrior of Revenge
2| Summon Monk
3| Mystic Tomato
3| Lonfire Blossom
1| Dandyilion
1| Lord Poison
1| nettles

12| Spells

3| Six Samurai United
1| Monster Reborn
1| Heavy Storm
1| Mystical Space Typhoon
1| Brain Control
3| Mark of the Rose
1| Reinforcement of the Army
1| Fragrance Storm

5| Traps

1| Torrential Tribute
1| Limit Reverse
3| Solemn Judgment

15| Extra Deck

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